ꝿ NAME: Dr. Henri Vickers V [hider=My Hider] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/147/4/7/at___batshit_crazy_doctor_by_animedumbass-d3hd7x2.png[/img] [/hider] ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH BUSKER: Stumbled into Buskers little business one rainy Tuesday when Henri had accidentally turned a little girls tabby cat into a vicious cat-like fiend with claws long than the good Doctors own hands. Suffice to say, Henri needed a drink that day. ꝿ NEEDS: To find the scientific formula resulting in the most perfectly buttered toast. Curing people of their ailments and other doctor type stuff is quite rewarding too... I guess. ꝿ OBJECT: In one of his deepest pockets is a jar containing the severed hand of a former lover.. ꝿ DETAILS: Medium length, black, shaggy, unkempt hair that sticks out in every direction. White porcelain skin. A pair of green tinted goggles to protect his eyes from the 'glare'. He stands at just a little over 6 foot and has a some what athletic frame as "those escaped experiments won't catch themselves". His white lab coat looks almost new around the collar and shoulders, but becomes increasingly more dirty due to unknown substance stains and dirt toward the bottom, with the lower half of the coat mostly torn up and ripped. Under his coat he wears a black turtle-necked jumper accompanied by a pair of faded blue jeans. On his feat are some out of place black trainers, streaked with green. His mother, the 'shrink', always said he was insane. 3 years of Jerry Jones' Amazing Psychiatry School for the Gifted sure showed her when he passed with flying colours. He lives in an underground basement conducting his research. He isn't called the 5th because of his lineage.