[h2]Izayoi City - [color=355E3B]Yosuke Tsukino[/color][/h2] Yosuke smiled when he and Yukari reached his favorite Racing/Fighting game, Road Destroyer 2. As stupid as that dumb song that played out of it when no one was playing, it was still one of his favorite games to play at the arcade, and he owned the original Road Destroyer at home. He eagerly slammed two coins into the machine, and his friend did the same, as the screen transitioned to a Racer/Vehicle selection. [b]"PICK YO RACAH!"[/b] The box yelled in probably broken English. Yosuke quickly moved the joystick over to his main, Platinum. It was pretty good all around, with the exception of it's range; it had no attacks that reached farther than a few feet. Still, when you were fast, and could take a hit or two, it wasn't much of an issue to get close to your enemy. Yukari picked her favorite character. Coyote. It was pretty good, laying traps and the such for the next lap. Less useful on the last lap though, and it's acceleration wasn't the best. It was a car for more experienced, smart players. Yosuke fully admitted he wasn't there yet. The race was a little intense. It always was. Yosuke was always caught off guard by one of Coyote's traps, Yukari knew just where to place them. Yosuke almost lost, but he pulled through when, it a surprisingly foolish accident, Yukari had placed two of her traps on a thin road. She was forced just close enough to allow Yosuke to get one hit off on her, and snag the win at the last moments. She finished just a second behind him, swearing all the way. [color=355E3B][b]"Heh. You almost had me that time. Sucks I'm still better than you though."[/b][/color] Yosuke joked, turning to her with a grin on his face. [b][color=00746b]"Bah! You got lucky!"[/color][/b] She said, smiling as well.[color=00746b][b] "I'll get you next time, YoYo, next time."[/b][/color] She growled with a voice reminiscent of a cartoon villain, fist balled and shaking. They both laughed lightly, before Yukari's stomach growled lightly. [b][color=355E3B]"Wanna grab something to eat? Frankly I'm hungry too."[/color][/b] Yosuke suggested. Yukari shrugged and replied[color=00746b][b] "Sure!"[/b][/color] As soon as the both of them exited the arcade, they heard someone pleading for help. A small boy in very odd, but still a little stylish, clothing. He was asking- oh! There was that shooter girl! Yosuke silently wondered why she was outside. Had the boy somehow alerted her? And what the hell was with her western get-up? Was he the only person who just wore there school uniform over the holidays? Yosuke was about to suggest helping them, but Yukari reacted faster, walking up to them. Yosuke followed, asking, [color=355E3B][b]"Who's 'after you'? Is he trying to hurt you?"[/b][/color] He looked out of breath, probably from being chased. He wondered how the young boy got into this mess. Ah well, didn't matter. What mattered now, was helping him.