[@Jade Chocolates][@deadAsleep] So happy to have your interest! <3 Welcome aboard! [@Diggerton][@KoL][@Ostarion][@Meridian] Also happy to have captured your interest! I do things a little bit differently(or I like to think I do) regarding the matter of people wanting to be one of the siblings. You make a sheet that states information all about the sibling you wish to play, and you either PM it to me or post it on the OOC, and after I am done reviewing everyone's sheets, I will choose who will be a sibling or not. I must look at [i]everyone's[/i] characters, even the human ones, before I make that decision because I want to see how the siblings will flow with the others, you know? I believe this is a fair system. Not only will [i]I[/i] be judging, but also a friend of mine and another friend of mine. This will be a very unbiased decision, just so you all know. So, if you are not chosen and still wish to participate in the roleplay, I suggest having a human character at your side just in case. And speaking of human characters, they will have full contact with any or all of the four siblings, whether it be being a tutor, or being a tour guide around the school the first day, or just having captured one of the sibling's interest. When everyone has made their sheets and I have decided who will play the siblings, we will all decide which human character gets pulled in with each sibling. I hope this clears mostly everything up. c: Also, as for gender balance, it would be preferable to me if there were two girls and two boys. However, we can switch it up to three girls and one boy if that is a popular opinion. Or even three boys and one girl, but I'm sure that won't happen. I'm already playing the female fourth sibling. SO, hope this has shined some light on things? c: