The power is pretty cool. It seems like it could be a very fun character in any situation, really. As for personality, I suggest naive, imaginative child. It just seems like it would fit, in my opinion. Do whatever you want with it though. [hider=CS] [b]Name:[/b] Jude Styles [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Jude the Samuraiborg] [img][/img] He's about 5'10" [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Experiment Type:[/b] Jude was given a new robot body, built for him by Dr. Robert Veiss [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*]He is able to lift about 400 Lbs. of weight [*]He is made of steel, able to take much more damage than a human. About double the amount in both pressure and temperature. [*]He has two blades in which he is very proficient at using. [*]He has standard color vision, thermal vision, and X-ray vision. [*]He has a compound bow with 10 reusable arrows. [*]He has an AI implanted in his robot body, that triples his thinking speed, short-term, and long-term memory. [*]He has afterburners in his back, able to give him a quick speed boost. They fling him at about 30 MPH, for about 3 seconds at max. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*]A simple EMP grenade will incapacitate him for about 10 seconds. [*]His wounds do not heal, he must repair them. [*]His steps are loud, and his cooling fan constantly emits a soft hum. [*]After more than 3 seconds of use, his Afterburners begin to melt him. [*]If one were to hack into him, they could largely restrict his free will. [*]He is reckless in combat, and not a team player. [*]He has not used his bow much, and knows little about bows work. [/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Jude was a simple boy. Born in a small city, and born into a loving, but poor, family. He was frequently depressed, and felt he didn't fit in at school. He wasn't ridiculously smart or athletic, so he felt he didn't have any strengths. That was, until he found out about Kendo. He was a sword fighting prodigy; he loved it, he practiced everyday, and it gave him self-esteem and ambition. But when he was 15, he was put in a coma due to a car accident he got into while he was walking home from school. His family spent all their money trying to save him, and went into crippling debt. But he wasn't able to be saved, and the Styles were left with no son, and no money. Then, Veiss showed up, and offered all debts wiped, for the brain of their son. Very reluctantly, they agreed. 3 years later, Jude was revived- and he didn't like it. [/hider] Why don't you tell me what you think of mine? I already have things mostly worked out, but any criticism is greatly appreciated.