[H2]Izayoi City - [color=f7941d]Ram Jam[/color][/H2] [color=f7941d]"Hmm?"[/color] Ramika vocalized, not quite grasping the situation. Lunatic dressed in yellow? What was he talking about? Was this some sort of comedy routine? If so, it wasn't very funny, faking being in trouble like that. She'd fallen for that one more than once with some of the bullies and delinquents from her school trying to lure her into a trap by telling her someone was in trouble and that she needed to go save them. She hadn't been hurt yet, but her dad was starting to worry about her with how often it seemed like she jumped into trouble. She looked down at the kid from her considerable height (for a Japanese schoolgirl, at least). He [i]did[/i] look pretty distressed, though. And he was a tiny thing. Really girly and feminine, unlike the tomboyish Ramika. He looked like the type to get picked on. Wait, was he a foreigner? He looked like one, and he wasn't even half like Ramika. It was possible that he was just visiting or had only been living here for a short time, so he didn't know anything about the criminal element or who to avoid. That means... was he being chased by the mob? She'd heard rumors of a legendary color gang in Tokyo called the Yellow Scarves. Was that what he meant by a lunatic dressed in yellow? Oh no! What would happen if they caught him? Would he be beaten? Tortured? Killed? Worse?! [color=007236]"Who's 'after you'? Is he trying to hurt you?"[/color] But it was too late. Ramika's mind was racing with the possibilities. She had to help him now! Before it was too late! That's why when she saw a guy wearing yellow running towards them from the alleyway across the street, she immediately launched into a flying kick and rammed the soles of her cowboy boots right into his nose, kicking him with her spurs. The guy went flying, blood trailing out of his nose, and Ramika turned to Tommy, almost in a panic. [color=f7941d]"Are you alright? Are you hurt at all? Is that the guy who was chasing you?"[/color]