Dimitri's head snapped forward as he heard the person in front of him move ahead to make his own order. For a few seconds Dimitri felt embarrassed for having zoned out as he did, however the feeling was fleeting as thankfully no one had noticed him going full on space cadet. After the man placed his order, Dimitri stepped forward and smiled at the barista behind the counter. Rather than dive immediately into his order Dimitri first gave a greeting and asked how the barista was doing, something he knew from personal experience could be a bit of a pick me up to some people. With the exchange of pleasantries out of the way, Dimitri ordered a vanilla chai tea with extra cinnamon and a french cruller for now, and a flatbread ham sandwich and a bottle of green tea for later. After he finished paying Dimitri stood out of the way of the line and instead took up residence where his food would be placed once it was done being made.