[quote=@Spud] OMG NO WAY!!! Epic! Sign me up for Lady Thor then, I'll leave Loki to the pro's, just reading the CS's and stuff, seems like a tough act to follow aye ^^" I shall give Thor my best attempt but ... Thor can be such a doofus and I don't want to make my char a typical "dumb blonde" caricature so it will be a challenge to play a character thats a strong woman but also a total airhead sometimes ^^" I notice there are a lot of Super-Males and less chicks so maybe its best if I play Lady Thor as opposed to Thor OdinSON :) [/quote] Lady Thor in the comics is actually someone who became worthy to use Mjlonir rather than actual born... I don't read that line of comics so I don't know all the details myself. Also she seemed quite the contrast to Thor, she wasn't a blonde airhead :P Play Thor how you wish I'm sure Ded will say.