Taking his time, Nixus walked down the many halls of his château with his pretty little shadow in tow behind. He was rather impressed with her ability and he hoped the others were just as impressive. If they weren't, he would be greatly disappointed and if they were not at all what he wanted he wouldn't think twice about ending them. The Shadow should be happy that she was impressive enough to have him let her live. He would of killed her when he stole into his room, but he was curious and his hunger kept him from his usual reaction. He had to wonder if she wasn't female would he have killed her. He wasn't sure as he took what ever he wanted and had no preference for genders. He glanced over his shoulder at the female and felt his body tense. He was still feeling the affects of earlier, this caused him to wrinkle his nose in anger. He was going to need Victoria later. "Here we are." He said in a smooth voice as he tapped a the wall that looked all the rest. Painted in a horrifying scene of a centaur ravaging a young woman, as soon as he tapped the wall it came alive. The beast threw the girl on the ground before taking a knife and reached out of the painting for Nixus to pick his finger. Once the blood touched the knife the wall opened and the centaur went back to ravaging the woman. He looked at the Shadow to see how she would react. Most were wide eyed as it was a horrific scene and one wouldn't expect a painting to move. But before he could see her, Victoria appeared on the steps. She looked worse than the last time he saw her, which was saying a lot. He still wondered why she was wasting away, but he would worry about it later. "Are they all here?" He asked as he passed her going down the stone steps. His staff giving a faint red glow which was unnecessary, since he could see perfectly in the darkness. "Most are here Master, only a few are yet to come." Victoria said in a rather odd voice, as if her jaw wasn't working the way it should. Nixus waved it off, if Victoria became useless he would replace her like he did with the one that came before her. "Good, I will look at the ones here." [hr] [h2]Mariah Amor[/h2] Mariah smiled as she looked down at her feet when Goram said that it was still a pleasure to meet her. She was rather surprised by his kindness, in a place like this she expected everyone to only care about themselves. That was her first thought when she arrived, but now that she was talking with Goram her perspective changed. When they both stopped talking she watched as others were brought down into the dungeons. But it looked like that maybe it for now, though she couldn't be sure as she was alone for about an hour before others arrived. She shivered again before she felt Goram's large gentle hand guide her over to one of the few torches that were burning. She smiled at Goram and nodded at his words, "Yes, ever since the party I have been very intolerant of the cold." She said with as slight shiver in her voice before she paused. "Thank you." She said softly as she smiled at him again. [b]“I personally find it quite pleasant.”[/b] Mariah looked at the woman who said those words and gave a look of disgust. It was like she could smell fish and it made her stomach turn. Plus she didn't like rude people,and she got the vibe that the other woman thought all should bow to her whims. She was about to say something about the woman when she heard a deep voice. It scratched at her head and brand, it wanted her attention. But not only hers but everyone's. She heard the voice again but she couldn't understand the words. She placed her hands over her ears and fellow to her knees as she the sound made her want to scream. She could feel something inside her suddenly wanting out. [i]No..... no, no, no, NO! I won't![/i] She thought desperately as she tried to keep the monster in. But the voice wanted the monster out and he wanted it out now. She fought the command for as long as she could manage before letting out a scream as the change took over. She felt her legs suddenly fuse together and her body change. In the mist of all this she suddenly felt a surge of pleasure that caused her to moan as she laid on the stone floor. [hr] Upon reaching the dungeon proper, he took hold of the Shadows arm. He already seen her in her monster form plus he knew that she would lose her clothes if she went into that form. Uttering a few words light appeared in all the dungeon, uttering more words he caused those that were new to change into their other forms as he wanted to look at them. He noticed that some resisted the first time he spoke the words so he spoke them again only with more power. Finally those the resisted shifted, only his Shadow didn't. "Ah my beauties! All so wonderful and powerful, what plans I have for you. But first some rules." Nixus said as he walked into the middle of the dungeon with his Shadow still in hand. "I will be sending you on errands, but first you should know that.... there is No cure to the spell I placed upon you." He said slowly as he looked around at his pets. "Second, you can't harm me. Oh you can try but it will only cause you pain ....... or embarrassment." He said the last part looking down at the young woman with a smirk on his lips. "I am your master and you will do as I say, your will is mine and there is nothing you can do about it!" He said with a note of authority which he knew would cause some to test him but he wasn't worried about that. "Once you learn to play [i]nice[/i] you will no longer be locked up in the cages. But do anything I disapprove of I cannot promise you that you will be sane once I finish your punishment." He said with a rather sadistic smile. He had some that went insane with his torture, before either ending themselves or giving in completely to the monster. "Now...... there is a village about half a day away, not many now it. But they have an artifact that I want, you all are to go there get it for me....... leave no survivors...... Now good luck and make me proud, whoever does well on this mission will get special audience with me." He said with a smirk before kissing the Shadow on the cheek and suddenly disappearing. All the cage doors flew open and all those within them were back in their human form.