[color=92278f][[/color][color=8882be]K[/color][color=a187be]a[/color][color=bc8dbf]s[/color][color=f49ac2]s[/color][color=f6989d]y[/color][color=92278f]][/color] [color=00aeef]"Be careful, something feels off,"[/color] Paige whispered to her friends before following the old lady. [color=9e0b0f]"No shit Sherlock,"[/color] Sylvia rolled her eyes, following after Paige. [color=ec008c]"[color=f6989d]It's alright, I know.[/color]" Kassy said to Paige, trying to ignore Sylvia's lash at Paige. "[color=f6989d]Just be on our toes, we can handle anything that happens.[/color]" she said as she followed behind into the house. As Kassy entered, it was very clear this old lady wasn't just any old lady. "[color=f6989d]Woah, look at this place. I think she can do a little more than just pulling her broom from a distance...[/color]" she said, looking around at everything. The house was very dimly lit, the only sources of light coming in from the open door, and a few holes in some torn curtains. The foyer we entered into was very plain, much that of another house. There was a little rack off to the side, holding the broom from outside, and a few other things Kassy wasn't sure what they were. Off to the right was a small living room, with a couch, a big soft fluffy chair, and a tiny little T.V. that was really outdated looking. There were also big bookshelves, and small hanging shelves, all littered with various books, bottles filled with creepy things, and seemingly cheap magical items. Up ahead was another torn curtain, but instead of in front of a window, it was just covering what laid beyond. Through the curtain's holes was a dim green glow, teasing as to what was just beyond. "[color=f6989d]I'm... really starting to not like this. I kind of want to just turn back... but, I also want to see what's next![/color]" Kassy whispered to the other two. The old lady had already disappeared by the time the three of them had entered... and the little bird hopping behind them. "[color=f6989d]Come on, let's find out what's [i]really[/i] going on.[/color]" she said, walking past and pushing the curtain aside as she walked through. After traveling a small hallway, Kassy reached the next curtain, and pushed it aside too, finding what was the cause of the green glow. The room was small, probably ten feet in diameter, with a giant iron cauldron big enough to hold Kassy, Paige, and Sylvia in with ease. Inside, a big bubbling green goop, steaming and growling. The walls seemed to have been transformed into shelves, all holding similar things found in the living room, but seemingly rarer and of more value. There also laid various tools around the cauldron, and resting on the shelves with the ingredients.[/color] [color=a0410d]The old lady stood just a few feet from Kassy, watching as Kassy was busy taking in the room. "[color=a36209]What's the matter, you act as if you've never seen magic before in your life.[/color]" she chuckled, reaching up on a high shelf and pulling a bottle down. She quickly popped the lid off, plopped the item into the cauldron, and dropped the bottle back on the shelf. The green goop in the middle turned a bright yellow, starting to settle down and make less noise. The old lady then picked up a hat resting nearby, and plopped it on her head. It was a dark purple pointy hat, with a thick green line above the wide brim, a gray-colored spot near the top, and a baby-blue gem socketed in the center of the spot. "[color=a36209]Yes yes, I see the correlation now. That doesn't prove anything, you could have been spying on them for awhile now, and made this hat specifically for the occasion.[/color]" the woman spoke to the cat as the cat came out from hiding behind the cauldron. The cat strutted towards the old lady, coming to a stop by her feet and sitting next to her. "[color=a36209]Well... now that everyone is here... any questions?[/color]"[/color]