As per usual, it was Skeixura who was the last to arrive in his father's throne room, fortunately missing out on the tediously long title-calling which only made him want to dash someone's skull against the wall. Similarly as usual, his shirt was nonchalantly splayed open, exposing the chiseled body which garnered him considerably more attention from females than his brothers could boast of. It was for no arbitrary reason either - there was a new maid servant and he was determined to be the one to get his experienced hands on her. Yawning, he casually leaned upon one leg, throwing a bored look towards the rest of his brothers before letting his gaze rise to his father. Most of his brothers were sorry excuses for demon princes and tolerating them during the few times they were mashed together was a painful experience for Skei. When his father actually announced that they were becoming human, he couldn't help but crack a grin, a laugh finding its way to his lips before escaping into the cold silence that normally befell the throne room when his father spoke. His father would never dare ruin his reputation by kicking his own seed down into the mud! Humans were naught but squealing pigs with little to no use except for being exceptionally good expendable-castle-builders. Raising his fingers to his temples, he massaged them, allowing his almost translucent, blue eyes slide closed. School didn't bother him. From his understanding of human cultures, female teachers were typically experienced, busty lovers. Even the mere thought had him craving but then his father went and kicked him into his grave. Eleven pm curfew. Eleven pm curfew? Eleven pm curfew! How dare he! Those other bastards he had for brothers could exist during the day but from his understanding of humans, they only mated in the dark! This was horrible... Why? Why would his father do this to them? They were only young men! They didn't deserve this fate! After that, his mind blanked in pure sorrow, allowing him to skim over the details. He caught onto bride and job but in his sadness, he chose to ignore them, instead focusing on reaching out to grasp a shoulder of a nearby brother, holding himself up. There was no fate worse than one of condemnation to Hell itself - the mortal world. Although there were capable bed partners present there, their arousal paled in comparison to demonesses. He had read classical human literature such as Fifty Shades of Grey! If anything, it just showed that they were completely inexperienced. He groaned, his metaphorical wound growing bigger each time his father uttered a single word. Finally, he snapped and set into a cold fury just as soon as his father finished speaking. Although his father had betrayed him, he turned his attention to his mother. The woman liked Skeixura the least which he put down to him being the best looking. Mothers always preferred the uglier ones. "Dear mother!" He greeted, his grin widening and his sorrow dampening as he casually stepped forward into the limelight. "Surely you know your fate if we all fail? Even I seem daunted by this task and I am the most capable when it comes to females. I dare not think how hopeless the situation of my brothers is! Their needless suffering brings me much pain." Smiling sadistically, he set his cold blue eyes on her, continuing. "Nevertheless, you must know that if we all fail you shall be cast aside, correct? Father will lose all five of his heirs and he will be forced to make more which will require a more... fertile wife." After that, he turned his gaze towards his father, bowing his head in mock respect - he knew his father doted on his mother so he hoped the thought of having to take another would inspire some wisdom in the fool. Moving forward, he clasped a richly decorated box with gold rimming before lifting it with considerable ease and turning, his intentions of leaving already prevalent. Extending a hand back to them, he waved goodbye and advanced towards the exit. It was then that his mind finally caught up with him and he collapsed in sheer pain. "No! By all things evil and hateful! Tell me you did not say bride!?" He cried out, his features falling into deep anguish. "I can never marry! She'll demand commitment then she'll want little... beasts! Forgive me father! Do not curse me to such a fate!"