[quote=@Aisling] How about 3 non designer jeans, 5 plain t-shirts, underwear, socks, 1 pair of old sneakers and 1 cherished item? No money, no cars, no credit cards. No one will know what is in the boxes. I'll provide two places of employment. A grocery store and movie theater. Each one of you must persuade me or find out how to get a job at one of the places. Each manager will work you hard but if you work hard enough, then you can advance or get a pay raise. [/quote] Sure! Those things seem practical enough. The princes probably wouldn't own anything like that, so it fits. Is the culture for the town they are going to be North American, Asian, Europen...? The different culutres handle schooling difference, so I just wanted to know for writing purposes. Cuz an American public school doesn't have uniforms while a Japanese one does. Just my nerdy self wanting to know, sorry :) My lazy prince working in a grocery would be cute haha