[h2][center][color=darkred][u]Gideon[/u][/color][/center][/h2] [center][color=darkred]The First Sibling, Master of Garmr[/color][/center] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/435/a54fd9c5cf8ceace09116563036d500bd16b79a8.jpg?435426[/img][/center] [color=darkred][b]Theme:[/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7EqoZYDhGs]Hedgehog's Dilemma[/url]/[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7taNjPaZIg]The Valedictory Elegy[/url] [color=darkred][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=darkred][b]Prominent Ability:[/b][/color] Gideon's weapon of choice a pair of longswords, which he wields in conjunction effortlessly. Like many of Hell's denizens he is a master of the sword. Beside his mastery with the blade he is noted for fighting with a companion, Garmr, one of the many Hellhounds that have at one time watched Hell's gates. Garmr is almost three times the size of the Human's Great Danes, has extremely sharp claws and tusks, and has the ability to shoot fire from his mouth. Gideon has been linked with Garmr since birth and has the ability to summon the creature at will. In battle Garmr and Gideon are a potent tag team, reading each other and working in conjunction perfectly. [color=darkred][b]Brief Background:[/b][/color] Gideon was the first son of the Devil, born to a she-demon of little import. On the day of Gideon's birth the Hellhound Garmr manifested itself by his mother's birthing bed for reasons unknown, and from that day on the Gideon and the hound were an inseparable pair. As Gideon grew he and Garmr became known as a formidable duo, honing their combat skills together in preparation for the inevitable day where Gideon would have to fight his siblings. When Gideon and his siblings were sent to earth Garmr came with him, powerful magic allowing the beast to morph between his usual form and that of a normal Malamute at Gideon's will. While some of his siblings embraced Human culture Gideon instead found himself above it all, believing the Human's and their influence to be below him. He's become known as a 'loner' in the Human school they attend, not wanting to associate himself with them. Despite his rebukes some Human's have taken an interest in him, something that can likely be attributed to his attractive Human appearance. He [i]does[/i] have a good side beyond his elitism, actually considered to be one of the more personable demons in Hell. [color=darkred][u][b]Six Traits[/b][/u][/color] [color=darkred][b]Good:[/b][/color] Handsome, Excels in Academics, Actually a Nice Guy [color=darkred][b]Bad:[/b][/color] Demon Elitist, Anti-Social (Towards Humans), Obstinate [hr] [center][img]http://cdn.awwni.me/o6w7.png[/img][/center] [color=coral][b]Human Name:[/b][/color] Himitsu Katsurou [color=coral][b]School Year:[/b][/color] 3rd