I made a thing! ... hows this? Character Sheet template: [hider=Lady Thor - Tarene - ] [h3]Player Name:[/h3] Spud -The Kawaii Potato- [h3]Character You Wish To Play:[/h3] Lady Thor -Tarene- [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d7/6b/ea/d76bead82b58b4391868fb33bb47ca23.jpg[/img] [h3]Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): [/h3]Hero [h3]Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?):[/h3] Asgardians and Humankind [h3]Character Origin & Backstory:[/h3] Tarene's parents were told by a Seer that they were going to raise a child who would become an Asgardian Goddess and travel across the realms fighting for truth and justice. In disbelief, her parents kept the message of the Seer as secret, they feared that their unborn daughter would throw herself into danger and unnecessary risks if she heard the story of the Seer. Several months later, Tarene's parents discovered they were expecting a child and finally they welcomed Tarene into the world. For the majority of her life Tarene's upbringing was uneventful, borderline mundane, her parents disallowed her to partake in anything particularly dangerous, for fear the Seers vision would come true and she'd fall into harms way. Despite their best efforts, fate caught up with Tarene and the Seer who had warned her parents of her destiny, tracked down Tarene herself and told her, rather cryptically, that she would come to possess tremendous power and would fight great evils. She allied herself with Thor, and despite her best efforts, she was not able to defeat Loki, Thor, who always sought to redeem Loki, refused to deliver a killing blow, or allow Tarene to deliver the killing blow. During Ragnarok, the Thor Clone attacked Tarene and she was badly wounded. Tarene was positive she'd failed her destiny and was going to perish at the hands of her greatest ally, he didn't just beat her, he absolutely destroyed her. Just before the THor Clone could deliver the final killing blow, the real Thor intervened, saving Tarene's life. She managed to escape to Vanaheimr where she spent many many years, terrified to return to Asgard after the events of Ragnarok. Eventually Tarene dedicated herself to trying to find Thor, always believing he survived Ragnarok, perhaps tricking herself he was strong enough to face the end of days and walk away unscathed. She felt certain that Loki perished, having witnessed a fraction of the chaos he'd caused before she was able to escape. She began a journey through the 9 realms searching for Thor or clues about what happened to him, but her search for Thor was fruitless, she also heard nothing of Loki, further affirming her belief that Loki had indeed perished during Ragnarok. Over time she began to believe that Thor too had perished and gave up her hope of finding him alive and well, it was then that she came across Thor's hammer. She decided to take the hammer, hoping it would aid her search to find answers of what happened to Thor, since her hopes of finding him alive began to diminish, but of course she had to figure out how to lift it. Having lost her powers during Ragnarok, Tarene is at a loss as to how she will pick up Mjolnir and regain her cosmic powers. Although she doubted her abilities, she attempted to lift Mjolnir regardless, in the hope that somehow her power has been restored. To her own surprise, the hammer budged slightly in her grasp. A faint glimmer of hope blossomed in her chest and with renewed vigour, she attempted to lift the hammer again and it swung up from the ground with ease in her grasp, her power once again restored. She resumed her search to find Thor, hoping that somehow, possessing Mjolnir would aid her search. Eventually she decided to go to Midgard, not suspecting Loki to have (a) Survived Ragnarok and (b)Wind up on Midgard. She adopted the human name "Tara" as a disguise and attempted to blend into human society (and at first it failed absolutely terribly). Still out of her depth, she's settling into human society and keeping a generally low profile, finally managing to hold down a job in an old bookstore where there is virtually no technology since she can't understand it at all. Recently she overheard a number of teens looking at the comics in the bookstore chatting about "Superhumans" and she asked where she could learn more, hoping that perhaps Thor is with these super humans. [h3]Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?):[/h3] She posses Mjolnir and thus inherits the power of Thor, so she can pick up and wield the legendary hammer and command thunder/lightning, rain and storms. She possesses tremendous strength and enhanced stamina and metabolism because she is an Asgardian Goddess. She heals quickly, hits hard and ages incredibly slowly and is immune to disease. She has the ability to fly, by swinging mjolnir and using the tremendous momentum to "throw" herself along with the hammer across great distances. She can use this method to travel between realms. Since Ragnarok, she has grown tremendously in terms of her power and her power is said to rival that of Odin's, perhaps she is more powerful than Odin at this point. [h3]Sample Story Arcs: [/h3] [b][i]Story arc 1 (a.k.a. Renegade mode): [/i][/b]Tarene discovers Loki is alive and hell-bent on revenge she attempts to kill Loki at all costs, regardless of the consequences. Blinded by rage she betrays her destiny to be the "goodie" who defeats a big-bad-evil and her only aspiration is to see Loki suffer, and suffer tremendously. [b][i]Story arc 2 (a.k.a Disney Version/Happily Ever After):[/i][/b] Tarene discovers Loki is still alive and doesn't try to kill him (WOW!), instead she urges him to help her find Thor. Whatever happens next is dependent on Loki's reaction [b][i]Story arc 3 (a.k.a Best of Both Worlds): [/i][/b]Tarene finds Loki and tries to kill him before Loki convinces her (whether he's lying or not) that he's turned over a new leaf and wants to redeem himself. She agrees to help him fight for a greater good in the hopes that she'll live up to her destiny. [b][i]Story arc 4 (a.k.a the only one where Loki isn't hugged or harmed):[/i][/b] Tarene gives up her search, disheartened, and aims to just blend in in human society, however her destiny once again catches up with her and she finds herself picking up her hammer once again to fight a big bad evil. [h3]Sample Post :[/h3] (this is from a 1x1 with a friend where I play Loki and an OC and she played Thor and another OC) [hider="Sample paragraph"][b]"I long to look my brother in the eyes and ... for him not to look at me as though I am a stranger."[/b] Laila sighed. Although Frigga was not her mother, Laila had grown up in the care of the maids, she'd not had a single motherly figure, yet Frigga had always held a special place in her heart. Her embrace was comforting, it hurt Laila to think about how much she was hurting Frigga in turn. She was not entirely surprised when Frigga appeared reluctant to send Laila away. Frigga had kept her here this long and taken care of her, watched her so closely, for some reason or another. If sending her away would be Asgard's undoing, Frigga simply wouldn't allow Laila to leave, and Laila trusted Frigga's decision, even though it caused her immense pain. [b]"You have no idea what it is like ... To look at him, to know everything he is feeling, to know the words to say to him, and be trapped, as though I'm in a glass cage. I see how much he resents Thor ... I know where his resentment comes from because I know what it is like to be a shadow." [/b]Laila let Frigga's embrace melt away, her voice steady now.[b] "I cannot hate Loki ... and I do not believe he hates Thor, not truly, he is a God of Lies... but he feels what I feel. He's an outsider. A Jotun feasting amongst Asgardians, perhaps if he knew that I am of the same blood, he would not feel so alone, he would not resent himself, his brother ... Perhaps he-"[/b] She didn't voice her last thoughts,[i] "perhaps he would love me"[/i], but Frigga was a wise woman, she probably understood the unspoken thoughts Laila had. She looked at Frigga ... Frigga who was so wise she could read anyone like a book. Laila couldn't hide everything form her forever. [b]"Thor ..." [/b]she started, taking amoment to pause and inhale. [b]"I fear he is growing suspicious he- ... He worries for me, and I fear I will not be able to keep this from him"[/b] Laila was sure she was overstepping her boundaries now ... and that perhaps Frigga would cast her out for her insolence, as much as that thought hurt her, it was one way out ... [b]"I care very much for him ... he is a dear friend and when he is near I feel at ease ... Try as I might to avoid him, we continuously cross paths and he has a warmth about him that makes me open up. I am not my brother ... I am not a God of Lies like he, I can hide my secret ... but if Thor asks-" [/b]her eyes welled up with tears. [b]"I cannot lie to him."[/b] [/hider][/hider]