[quote=@Gareth] Is this based off a book or book series? Also are they literally cats that are warriors? I'm interested. Don't have anything to add at the moment. [/quote] 1. Yes it is. It's based of of the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter. But you don't need much prior knowledge of the books to play since I plan on collecting all the necessary information so that reading it isn't necessary. 2. They're cats. Like four legged, furry fluff balls of ferociousness. There's different rolls within the Clans - large groups of cats - but all cats except the Medicine Cats are trained as Warriors. Warriors do all the hunting and fighting for the clan though she-cats who are pregnant or have kits are called Queens. They often go back to their Warrior duties once the kits start nursing, though sometimes there's a Queen or two who stay in the nursery as Queens to care for the other cats kits. There's a Leader and a Deputy for each clan. Apprentices are in training to become Warriors - sometimes there's one training to become the Medicine Cat. Elders are too old to do much hunting or fighting anymore. I'm glad to see that you're interested in playing this. I realize it's a bit unconventional but I think we have too many schools and supernaturals and romance/dramas around these days, don't you think?