Blade already in hand, Kei'taro was ready to engage the Owl. The blades along the wall shot towards the creature and attached themselves to the wings of the Key Holder; who then launched into an attack. The pattern of it was simple to figure out. The creature headed straight on, which in hindsight, would probably have displayed a lack of skill in battle, especially since it gave up all pretenses of advantage. Perhaps he could end the battle in one stroke. As the Owl came, quick as a trained runner, Kei'taro quickly ducked low and slashed Kei'taro down in vertical strike, following the path of his body. Essentially, the blade was aimed to go from top to bottom, following along the path Kei'taro took. That path, as it were, was also right where the Owl would arrive just a moment later. The blade, if successful, would bisect the bird symmetrically down the center. Kei'taro, at the same time, stopped charging his Kusanagi ability, and instead began sending power into the Eight Legged Freak. This was to enact a deadly combination of the skills of the two keys. A back up plan in case things didn't quite work out with this one stroke.