The feint Tre'Yan threw worked like a charm. The professional boxer in him could pinpoint the exact moment Cho, his yet to be named opponent, fell into the deceptive trap. But man, oh man, did Cho make up for it masterfully. Had Tre'Yan been a novice, or anyone without any real combat training, he might would have missed it. But Tre'Yan was neither of those things. He was one of the top boxers in the gigaverse, and he would prove it now. As effortlessly as breathing, his knees bent puttign him into a crouch. He stepped forward as Cho fell into the trap of the feint, Tre'Yan didn't blame him for the hiccup, many others fell for it as well. Here, nothing was different! Tre'Yan, utilizing his speed and footwork, stepped in an executed one of his most basic, yet powerful counters. It was commonly called a 'One-Two', a quick shot with the lead hand, in this case, Tre'Yan's right hand, and then a powerful follow up with the hand in waiting - Tre'Yan's left. The counter would effectively use the moment gathered by Cho as he came forward, with the momentum gathered by Tre'Yan. That's what made counters so deadly; it was an application of momentum coming from either direction. Tre'Yan's hands would be a near blur, aimed directly at the face of his opponent, hoping to, if not end the match out right, rattle the brain of his opponent, assuming the dead had one, and disorientate him for the rest of the match.