Name: Sengoku Enma Age: 21 Magic: Warrior Magic: The user coats objects with a layer of durable magic that increases the strength of a weapon and can turn any physical object into a durable weapon. The true strength of this magic is that the coating is able to hit magical targets that are intangible. For example, if a fire mage turned into fire then the mage can still be hit or if a blast of air comes towards the user then it can be simply knocked away. This can also be used on his own body as well. Quake Magic: It allows the user to create powerful vibrations through any medium. They can be used to create shock waves or focused blasts targets as well as used to enhance physical combat. The vibrations can even be used to cause certain projectile attacks to dissipate from the vibrations by creating a destructive interference. Magic Level: A History: The son and heir of one of the four noble clans in the Yokai world, Enma lived a life of prestige, but as an oni he had to prove himself as soon as he could walk. No oni, especially one from the Sengoku Clan, was going to be raised as a lousy good nothing. Every single day was one of hellish training, pushing his body to the limits to become worthy of being the heir to head the clan and lead them and other yokai to war against rivaling cities. What he didn't get was why did they all have to fight? Don't get him wrong, he loved to fight, but from the bloodshed he had seen from other battles he participated in it was all senseless bloodshed. They were all yokai so why couldn't they put their own differences aside and unite to live as one? That's when he decided that he will unite all of the yokai together even if he has to stain the land blood. The problem was that there were yokai much stronger than him and he hasn't inherited the head position of the Sengoku clan. Not only that, but he would have to prove to the rest of the yokai that he is a powerful, capable leader in order to gain their support for battle. As long he remained on Yokai Island then he would never become stronger. That was until Nolan Waltz found the island. Enma challenged the God Slayer multiple times, each battle was more and more intense than the next. There was only one conclusion to be made; the mages in the outside are incredibly strong. He needed to join one of those guilds that he heard Nolan talk about in order to grow. Personality: Like any oni he is loud, energetic, and vulgar. He is very energetic and outgoing towards most people he meets and loves a challenge. To contrary belief however, he is actually intelligent and very quick witted as well as a creative soul. He deplores war and hates unnecessary violence, except for sport because no one tries to kill each other in that kind of situation. Enma loves to eat and drink and has a stomach to match that love for it. He seems to be always hungry and seems to have some food with him wherever he goes. It's also not that hard to get him angry. Team Members: None yet Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Has obscene physical strength 2. As an oni he's spiritually aware of other beings and can see spirits such as the yokai 3. Loves having a good time, which may include fighting Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Has a short fuse 2. Vulgar 3. Gluttony Greatest Love: Eating and drinking Motivation: To unite all the yokai in Ishgar Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: