[quote=@Dedonus] [@Spud] Female Thor [hider=link][url]http://marvel.wikia.com/Jane_Foster_(Earth-616)#Becoming_Thor[/url][/hider] You can make your own interpretation of the character. It does not have to be just a genderbent version. She can have her own personality. Either character is fine (eventually, you can do both!). Also, you do not need to be a comic book lore know-it-all to do well here. When in doubt, you can look stuff up on Marvel Wikia. [/quote] I based her off of the Lady Thor wikipedia stuff, but generally since I've never read any Thor Girl stuff, I'll be making her up so her personality will likely just be a mix of things don't worry ^__^ I'd like her to be a lot like Chris Hemsworths Thor though, but perhaps colder, while he is very friendly and hugable, Tarene has been through a lot, I want her to be less trusting of others and less open to making allies (for fear of losing them again). I also like the thought of her being utterly clueless about technology (because it would be funny). Going through the events of Ragnarok drastically changes a person, so she won't be a gender bent Thor with none of her own traits (hopefully!!! I want to do this character justice!) I hope my char is okay, I can change things if necessary though :)