Lyle made a noncommittal wave as Leon suggested they leave the airship together. [color=#7851A9]“I think I'll find my own way for now. I'm sure I'll see you around though, sailorboy.”[/color] She waited for a few other people to exit the airship before she started to make her way to the off ramp, trying to break off from the crowd as quickly as she possibly could. Of course her little adventure put her on the path to find the group of racists harassing a shark-faunus, fate it seemed was insisting she interact with more people. She didn't particularly care what he was, the sight of two people holding him down while a third prepared to attack triggered memories she tried her best to repress and frankly she wasn't going to let that happen. She didn't even bother drawing her weapon as she flipped her hood up, seeing the punch about to hit the faunus square in the jaw and charging. As it turned out the kid was too much of a showoff to hit his victim right away, holding back for a second, maybe in the hope that his target would open his eyes or something, who knows, but that little bit of hesitation resulted in a fist slamming directly into his cheekbone. Lyle had no intent of holding back, and so the unexpected punch landed with a sound that implied the kids cheekbone was gonna end with a minor fracture, not to mention knocking him square off his feet onto the floor, where Lyle didn't even hesitate or take the time to gloat, a heavy boot curb stomping him straight in the groin. [color=#7851A9]“You shitstains had better shove off before I get really pissed.”[/color] Her voice was as cold as ice, full of suppressed hatred and rage that she was clearly about to take out on the boys if they didn't clear out right now.