Here's a rough draft. Will most definitely write more (specifically a backstory), but I want to know a little more about the history of your RP before I start doing that. [hider=Bernardo Alonzo GutiƩrrez] [color=f7941d]Name:[/color] Bernardo Alonzo GutiƩrrez [color=f7941d]Age:[/color] 23 [color=f7941d]Gender:[/color] Male [color=f7941d]Appearance:[/color] Average height, medium build. Black hair, blue eyes. [hider=Picture] [img][/img] [/hider] [color=f7941d]Personality:[/color] Reserved, but also somewhat social; Intelligent; Trustworthy/loyal. [color=f7941d]Occupation:[/color] Computer software engineer, works at Elias, a popular multinational technology. Has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science which he earned from Skydon University and is currently thinking about going to grad school. [/hider]