[h2]Izayoi City - [color=fff200]Goichi Goethe[/color][/h2] Goichi stalked down the street with his hands in his pockets, eyes downcast. His jacket fluttered around him in the oppressive breeze, it was too damn hot to keep the thing buttoned up but not quite hot enough to abandon his wardrobe for practicality's sake. He was wandering around Izayoi aimlessly. It was too early to go out drinking and keep anything resembling his self respect but it wasn't as if he had any other ideas. Who would have thought that a 22 year old Egyptology major would find himself unemployed and shiftless in the middle of Japan? If he had more foresight he may have picked a different career path, one that may have given him a future or at least something to do during the day. Instead he kept on trudging along down the road. Maybe he'd head down to the local book store. The new volume of the [b]Kamen Rider: Prism[/b] manga had just came out. That would at least keep him busy for the day. His idle thoughts were crushed when a young lad sprinted past him calling out for help, an odd fellow in yellow desperately trying to keep pace. It took him a moment to wrap his brain around what was happening. Another to react. He threw his ruminations from his mind and narrowed his focus on the fleeing boy. He wasn't just going to let some jerk dressed like a lemon do... whatever it was he planned to do to him, so instead he kicked his massive frame into high gear and started sprinting after the pair. The yellow man had quite the lead on Goichi and at one point he nearly lost him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the yellow man run down an alleyway and followed suit. He ducked his head low putting all of his energy into a sprint and clenched his fists, ready to deliver a devastating Haymaker to the lemon guy's face. [color=fff200]"This is what you get for picking on the little guy you motherfu-"[/color] He brought his fist up and began to swing only to find that the lemon man wasn't standing where he thought he was. Instead he was on his back and on top of him was a girl, a girl whose face was rapidly approaching his huge fist. He immediately dug his heels into the ground trying desperately trying to stop himself. He succeeded...sort of...the momentum of his body causing him to tumble forward and skid to a rest at the girl's feet in a heap of sequins and leather. [color=fff200]"I-I c-came to help"[/color] he groaned.