I'm not sure if you posted the actual roleplay yet, but here's my character: Name: Reagan Daniel Gender: Male Works for Jurassic Park or Ingen: Jurassic Park Brief or long history, your choice: Reagan has loved dinosaurs his whole life. Ingen had offered him a job back a while, but he declined, choosing to work for the park itself instead. Personality: Reagan is bright and optimistic most of the time. He doesn't have much a temper, nor is he easily provoked into a debate. Most of the time he's the "okay" guy. [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/b66d/i/2015/094/6/a/jurassic_world_by_aerowan-d8oega5.jpg[/img] name: Gullet Species: Baryonyx History: I mean.. He's a dinosaur. He eats and poops and eats again.. Personality: He's a shy guy, keeping to the back of the group most of the time. But he is still a ferocious hunter with a monstrous appetite. [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131024144449/dinosaurs/images/0/08/Baryonyx_Complete_by_soxfox.jpg[/img]