Olldar, the Creator. Olldar is known to have created the island, and it's inhabitants. Olldar is the power of good, he drives away the evil of night. Igtarr, God of Night. Igtarr is the polar opposite of Olldar. Igtarr existed as the dark surrounding the light of Olldar. When Olldar created Humans and Beasts, Igtarr created Demons. Igtarr has reigned terror during night, but when it becomes day he hides. he hides from the great, pure power of Olldar. Olldar and Igtarr have had many quarrels since The Creation. The most notable of which was correctly dubbed "The War of the Gods". Olldar had bestowed gifts upon special individuals, which had angered Igtarr. The gifts included the powers of Time, Oceans, Fire, and Unlimited Knowledge. Igtarr hated that Olldar would just give away his powers all willy nilly, so he organized an evil league of demons to attack the powered Humans. When Olldar found this 'league' he got so mad he personally attacked Igtarr. He sent everything after him, including the Humans, which followed him. From the Island this battle looked like a light show, only with darkness sometimes surrounding the light. Igtarr dug a hole into Olldar and forced him to step back. Pure light spewed from his wound, weakening him. He gave all of his might and completely swallowed Igtarr, and banished him to the Moon. Whether he will ever return is still a question. The Humans, after witnessing that Olldar was not all powerful and could be wounded, split into two groups. One that followed Olldar, led by the Time Demigod and Ocean Demigod. The other that follows Igtarr, led by the Fire Demigod and the Unlimited Knowledge Demigod. (Olldar: 4 Igtarr: 4 Olldarian Religion: 2 Igtarrian Religion: 2)