[@Blubaron45] Alright so the world does take place in a hypothetical future where every worst thing that could have happened, has happened. World War 3, a Nuclear Holocaust, Widespread Nuclear Winter, and a sharp population decline. Sea levels has also sharply risen, reducing country landmass severely. Technology has continued to advance, and history has been reset, with humanity collectively using the large conflict as a change to wipe the species onto a clean slate, resulting in history being rewritten, revised, or destroyed and changed, with little official records. Nepago is modern day Chicago, except this city overlooks a semi large body of water, and spanned underground due to limited habitable land. Cities like Nepago span world wide, acting as main hubs for population in the area, with others living outside of the city (known as Outlands) being a small part of the population, and are often disconnected from society. Cities like Nepago are few and far between as quite a few areas are inhabitable, and the cities are the main source of activity. In the rp we'll span outside Nepago, but I can't guarantee we'll visit other cities. And there is a bit of a small...group...but that's for later. Anything else you want to know?