that's when the coms burst into life with Dani's voice. "I'm here... i'm here... i'm not dead... i'm not dead..." she panted out, but then stopped, realizing that she didn't need to breath. "this.. feels weird..." she said, the Stein looking down at its hands as she opened and clenched the fist. "Wait... does this mean..." she said, not realizing she was broadcasting the comms to everyone in the match. Taking a step forwards with the stein, she felt the foot hit the ground and her weight being supported by it. The other two could hear her begin to tear up as sniffles came from the comms. "It works! it really works! i can feel myself walking!" she shouted and then proceeded to jump off the building, landing with a crouch to one knee, before getting up and running along the ground, laughing happily like a child might as they played in a yard. Inadvertently, she ran into the Abyssal Gunpla. "LOOK SAKUYA! I'M ON MY FEET!" she said over the comms, moving her legs and watching the motions of the mobile suit's legs as it looked downwards. The movements themselves looking rather natural compared to other gunpla and their controls; they looked almost as if it were just a human in armor.