[h3]Ezra[/h3] Ezra chuckled as Guinevere flushed prettily, waggling his eyebrows to make the whole situation seem more lewd. "Oh my. Oh my. I didn't see anything, I... Oh god, I saw everything," the mayor's daughter squeaked before attempting a hasty retreat. Naturally, she ran straight into the door and fell flat on her lovely ass. Guinevere righted herself and fled again, successfully this time, her face redder than ever. Ezra cackled madly in her wake. It really was too easy to fuck with that girl. Ezra stomped his way down the stairs a little after Varric left, only to find the tavern in complete pandemonium. "Hey," the youth says, reaching a hand out to grip the arm of a passing tavern wench. "What's happening here?" "You haven't heard!?" The redhead, a girl he'd screwed last week, asked excitedly, reveling in telling him the latest bit of juicy gossip. "The doctor's daughter went missing last night. The fog took her, just like all them other folk." "The fog?" Ezra asked, which made the tavern girl shoot him an incredulous look. "You know, that fog that rolls in whenever someone else is 'bout to get snatched? It's been showing up on and off for at least five months now. People are startin' to blame black magic." [i]'Why didn't I know about that?'[/i] Ezra wondered as he released his grip on the girl's arm. "Thanks, Emelda." "It's Esperanza," the redhead huffed, glaring at the curly haired boy as he retreated. Ezra threw her a nonchalant wave as he exited the tavern in search of some food. [i]'I'll have to see what Gada knows about the fog when I get home,' [/i] the boy mused. Ezra started to pass by the clinic, but stopped when he glanced at the front door. It is a bright white and a cross has been painted neatly in red on its center. A strange prickly feeling wells up behind his eyes. "What the shit?" He curses to himself, rubbing his face violently as the feeling intensifies. In a matter of moments, Ezra is doubled over on the ground, clutching his face in his hands. [i]"This one had magic, too," Ezra says, staring down at Alixanna's sleeping form. The fog has put the healer in a deep slumber, completely defenseless against the on coming attack. Somewhere outside of the room, there is another person who is urging him to be quiet and hurry up. Ezra grips Alixanna's face harshly, the black bile crawling down his arm and into her mouth and nose. The medic makes a gasping sound and spasms, her eyes wide as she begins to choke--[/i] Ezra retched and spewed forth some of the toxic black bile. "Fuckshitgodsdamn," he wheezed, trying to stand up on wobbly legs. The youth knew somehow that the vision was not a fever dream, but his missing memory of last night before he had crawled into bed with Varric. "What have I done?" He groaned, pulling at his curls so hard that it hurt. "What is happening to me?" The twenty one year old takes a deep breath and clamped his eyes shut, trying to get a hold of himself. "Varric will help me," he whispered to himself when he could think clearly again. The nature magician was the closet thing he had to a best friend, he had to know what to do. Ezra wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and set out to find Varric.