“We are grateful for your generosity. I am Nakashima Shigeru. My wife, Nakashima Rie, and my daughter, Nakashima Chiharu.” Chiharu bowed, her hair falling forward to shield her face, and the small smile it held. She had imagined Aroi Tetsuo arrogant, as men his station often were. To find she had been mistaken… She sat with greater confidence as her father and Aroi Shingo spoke. If only the same could be said for her mother and Aroi Kaname. A sidelong glance confirmed her suspicion—Rie’s face was passive, but her gaze full of contempt. She recalled her mother, in the midst of fall, lamenting her youth and her greatest regret: to marry for love. She remember feeling pity, then, and a sense of understanding shared only between women. Lost in her thought, Chiharu caught only the end of the conversation, hiding her fluster behind her sleeve. “…we are an artisan family. I take great pride in my work. I have painted a piece as a gift; I hope it is to your liking, my lord,” Shigeru said, matching Shingo easily in attitude. He had worked tirelessly, taking care with detail in the mountainous scene. Rie bowed deeply, offering a lacquer box covered with a fukusa. “My brother, Nakashima Takeru, has done well for himself, becoming a lord of his own estate. I, myself, have a small piece of land, but have chosen to lead a simple life.” It was a polite introduction, but entirely unremarkable. Chiharu swallowed. To mention her uncle was a desperate gamble. “But let us get to the matter at hand. It would be an honour if you would consider my daughter,” Shigeru continued. He smiled pleasantly, his eye glinting with wicked plotting. “If you approve, my lord, it would be beneficial for them to speak in private.” “Oto—” Chiharu, catching herself, remained still, but her heart continued to run wild in her chest. Even Rie had been caught off-guard; staring hard at the ground, her shoulder trembling. How quick silence was to descend upon them, the tension thick, near tangible. Remembering her mother’s advice, she looked up from beneath her lashes, with a voice warm as the sun, saying: “I-I would be flattered if Aroi-sama found me worthy.” She looked across at Tetsuo, catching his eye before she turned away, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.