[center][h2]Jen-Tai[/h2][/center] It wasn't often Jen-Tai sojourned into town, especially ones as large as Lenaya. And when she did it was for supplies and services caravans did not offer. The crowds, the tight spaces, it was suffocating. Out in the wilds she could run and jump to her heart's content, here she was stuck waddling along trying not to get her intimidatingly large sword caught on anything. Eventually she made her way into the other side of town, the one filled with gamblers and drunks. All along the streets vendors and entertainers were trying to make a quick coin. [color=39b54a]"One coin! Test your strength for just one coin! Best me, and win it all!"[/color] One large man in particular was challenging everyone passing by to arm wrestling. [color=ed1c24]"So when I beat you, I get that entire bag?"[/color] Jen-Tai asked, taking the seat opposite him. [color=39b54a]"Hahaha, that's [i]if[/i] you beat me! I should warn you, no man has ever defeated me. Little lone a woman."[/color] Dropping a coin on the table, she firmly placed her elbow down into arm wrestling position. The large man did the same, and as soon as they locked hands Jen-Tai slammed his down making a loud thud. The man was silent in aww for a moment before speaking [color=39b54a]"N-no fair! I didn't say go!"[/color] Again they locked hands into a neutral position. This time the man, furrowing his brow in concentration, waited a few seconds before shouting [color=39b54a]"GO!"[/color] He struggled to tilt her arm half an inch before she effortlessly slammed his arm down. "[color=ed1c24]"I'll be taking my winnings now."[/color] [color=39b54a]"Y-you cheated! Some kind of magic, I know it! Get outta here before I call the guards!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"You dare cheat me, little man?!"[/color] She stood up, towering above him. Her hand reached to the blade strapped to her back. But before she can unsheath it a woman appeared to break up the conflict. [color=00aeef]"Whoa there! Let's not get hasty. No need to call the guards.[/color] She said before turning to Jen-Tai. [color=00aeef]"C'mon, lets go. Now"[/color] Grabbing her arm, the two briskly strolled away until they were out of sight. [color=00aeef]"Always getting into trouble, aren't you? It's a wonder you survived this long without me, Jen"[/color] The woman leaned in to give Jen-Tai a big hug, which she gladly returned. [color=ed1c24]"Elise! It's been too long. I thought you settled in that river town."[/color] [color=00aeef]"It was awfully boring, too many elderly folks. Besides, my new job pays much better. So what are you doing in a place like this?"[/color] Pulling the flyer from her pocket, Jen-Tai showed it Elise. [color=ed1c24]"Gold, treasure, and adventure. You know, the usual."[/color] Elise looked disappointed, like she didn't get answer she expected. [color=00aeef]"Oh Jen, doesn't carrying that thing around get tiring?"[/color] she said motioning to the sword. [color=ed1c24]"It's only a few pounds."[/color] [color=00aeef]"You know what I mean. It's dangerous out there, all alone. Even for an Amazon. Why don't you settle down, like the rest of us? I've a modest home, with plenty of space. You're more than welcome to come stay with me."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"You know I can't..."[/color] [color=00aeef]"And I thought I was the stubborn one. Well, I have business I must see to. You'll visit me when you're finished with your little adventure, won't you?[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Of course."[/color] [color=00aeef]"And... be safe."[/color] she said before giving Jen-Tai a kiss on the cheek and one last big hug. Sometime later Jen-Tai found the entrance to the Golden Guar. She waited outside a while, and before long a snake-like creature with limbs and fur climbed up her leg and arm before finally resting on her shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"Now where have you been, Ravaatra? Everything look good in there?"[/color] Ravaatra purred in confirmation. Jen-Tai then entered the place, seeing others have already showed up. She would've gotten a drink if she didn't spend her last coin on that arm wrestling con-artist.