A Medeival Roleplay by EWIllden This is a medeival roleplay with many dungeons and dragons charateristics. For example, animals, creatures, races, and magic will be related to D&D ,but is not dnd parsey. Such as no attack roles and no saving throws. You determine whether you get hurt or not and whether that wound is just a minor scratch or possibly fatal if not taken care of. I will not kill off people's characters unless they want to. There is no level cap. If you go arcane or divine you will use spells as such instead. Everyone has a mana pool. As it empties you will feel drowsiness and possibly even pass out. Don't know anything about dungeons and dragons? thats fine. I will discuss every even, creature, and race as thoroughly as I have to. I only have three rules which are more like guidlines then actual rules. 1. Have fun: if a member of the roleplayer is making it impossible to let you have fun let me know. I don't mean report to me if the other player does something you just don't like or says something. I mean if he/she is harrassing you via role play or pm let me know or a staff member of the guild. 2. Do not build or create a op character. Even the best can take a good solid hit here and there. My npcs in the role play must be at least a threat to you as in they can kill you if they tried hard enough. Classes and Races are pretty open worlded. Just stick to the theme and you will be fine. This is medieval fantasy. Not science fictions. If I see someone using a laser rifle or some shit I will give you a warning. Everything else is pretty open world as well just remember. I will keep it some what realistic. A katana can't and wont cut through everything. Also when you pick a demeanor or attitude stick to it. Do not have your character act outside of that attitude so suddenly. I don't mind character development ,but stuff like that develop over time including romances. Do not fall in love with someones character the moment your character sees them. Also you do not have god mode. Do not have your character carry more then he should. When we get enough people who join 5 or more. I will have a vote for the setting and where it should take place. (Tundra, Jungle, Frozen North, Desert, or islands. stuff like that.)