[b]Outpost[/b] In the time following Enrique's departure, the people of Outpost had been a high-strung group. An actual graveyard sat just outside the wall now, the number of dead having doubled by the biter attack alone. The people had wanted the new graves inside the walls where they could easily pay their respects, but the community still held a crowding problem, an issue that had yet to be resolved in the wake of so many awful developments one after another. With Sylar dead, Jerry became the new leader of the scouts, though some people couldn't help but think of the position as cursed. Jerry didn't seem to let it get to him, but he too had to wonder if he'd be dying soon as well. Despite these issues, the community had maintained peace, and people were just starting to get along again. That was, until Adam and his friends arrived with a troubling request. The council had gathered as they usually did, their eyes staring at Adam and the girl named Tina. They had been a bit flabbergasted to see Adam return, but were open to hearing him out. He'd been known to be a bit explosive, but everyone thought of him as a good guy before he had left. Rhonda, especially, convinced the council to hear him out, and thankfully the group of five were less at odds with each other with Matt gone. Still, that didn't prepare them for the ludicrous suggestion that they send men to help [i]Tyler[/i] of all people. "They have Tyler-- er, I mean Thomas, and his daughter. But they have more than that. Other friends of ours. They've been terrorizing the whole city!" At the look on everyone's face, Tina looked worriedly to Adam. She hadn't counted on him to make a convincing argument. "Honey..." Rhonda began, searching for the right words. "Thomas manipulated us. I know you left before it happened, but he used us to attack innocent people. You can't honestly be suggesting we save him?" "Uh, but... I mean--" Tina sighed, leaning forward. She waved Adam off and looked to Rhonda, who seemed the most reasonable at the moment. "Forget Tyler. He's just one of countless people we need to help." Countless was pushing it, but Tina needed to sell this. "Are you really so cold that you won't help a group of people just because Tyler is one of them? I admit, we didn't know you had a grudge with him, but this way we're being upfront with you-- we [i]need[/i] you." Rhonda looked around the room. "... You're right, we should help, but the question is if we [i]can[/i]. The strongest of us are either dead or have left this community. You're asking something beyond our ability--" "It's not about strength!" Adam exclaimed. Rhonda looked sour at being interrupted. "It's about numbers! Tremblay controls through fear, so we just need to be intimidating back at him. Not even the scouts, but the watchers and builders... we're all survivors. We all can fight." "All we're asking is that you let people know of our plight, and let them decide. If it's their choice, well..." Tina let that hang in the air, as she could tell the group was considering the offer. For having known these people more than she did, it was sad that Adam wouldn't have sold this without her. What else could she expect from a junkie? "It sounds fair," said Randy, raising his hand. "And hopefully some do agree," added Rhonda. The only person who ended up dissenting was Isaac, but it seemed majority ruled in this case. Tina smiled and thanked the council profusely, hoping this led to the forces they greatly needed. --- [b]Haywood[/b] "What Abram is suggesting is crazy" muttered the nurse, Brianna, as she tended to a cut on a boy's arm. The boy was named Noah, and Caleb wasn't a huge fan of the fact the kid seemed to glaring at him during all of this. Neither he or the others were really welcome here, and it was quite obvious why. Abram had mentioned some of the sordid history of this community, to which Jace in particular had said was 'completely fucked up'. The few that still lived here must not have been a big fan of outsiders at this point, especially with the mass graveyard just sitting outside. Abram was their friend, but they didn't seem interested in going up to bat for anyone other than themselves. "We're really not fighters," explained the boy's father, Anthony. "There's Amy, Audrey, and Riley, but beyond that, we're nothing." Caleb wished Abram was here, but he was busy trying to convince the doctor, Riley. Caleb felt as if it were [i]these[/i] people that needed convincing, though even he wasn't sure what they'd do with the girl who required an oxygen tank 24/7 to live. In fact... "You heard Abram-- You guys shouldn't be living here. I wasn't here for any of what happened, but I can see the damage... there's not enough of you to rebuild. How can you expect to sustain yourselves here?" "There [i]is[/i] nowhere else for us to go. The last place I want to be is that Outpost place... What are you getting at, anyway?" Brianna asked, sounding annoyed. She fussed with wrapping a bandage around Noah's arm. "When we oust Tremblay, you guys can move relocate to Baton Rouge. Hell, I'd offer you that opportunity now, but we're not in a position to do that. We need this guy out of there so that we can make life better. Jess, Floyd... Katie." Caleb conjured up names he knew these people were familiar with from his memory. "We need to save them, and for that, we need whatever you guys can offer." Anthony exchanged a glance with Brianna, sighing. "Riley wanted to offer you guys some ammunition at least. We can afford that, thanks to the city be relatively quiet lately. We'll... discuss the idea of relocating, at least." "I want to go," Noah suddenly said. "He's right, dad... this place just makes me feel sad. It's, like... suffocating." Anthony gave his son a surprised look. "Ah, uh... well, like I said, we'll discuss this more later. Goodbye, Brianna." Noah hopped off the table, following his dad out the door. Caleb offered Brianna a smirk before following them out.