Collecting souls was going quite well--aside from a few arrows lodged in the torso of Narza's new body, her vessel was mostly fine, allowing her to kill and collect souls without too much trouble. Her fragile young ghost girl protected from the burning rays of the sun by a sturdy outer human shell, Narza's mind and magic was free to focus on taking down villagers. She would first trip or slow down a fleeing villager with ice on their legs, then rush up to the prone or crawling villager with the aid of wind magic. Once she was close enough, Narza would finish them off with a small but precise blade of wind to the head or neck, speedily cramming the soul down soon after. Even as she would kill a villager, twice as many more souls would pop around her faster than she could eat even one, as the Dungeon Keeper's servants really got underway. One soul in particular stood out to her, adjacent to a dimmer, but still unusually bright soul. The pair of souls were on the other side of town, nearby the granaries. [color=6ecff6][i]Intriguing, they still feel human, but are the brightest souls I've seen yet...[/i][/color] Slipping out of the man's body at once and assuming her ghost form, Narza speeds toward the temple in the distance, covering herself in a dense cloud of fog once more to avoid a literal sunburn. In front of the temple lay two fallen humans, both clearly identifiable as clerics by their iconic white clothing.(I assume anyways.) Disregarding the sinister-looking armored figure that had probably killed the two clerics, Narza billows around the dead cleric's body and eats the much brighter soul hanging around. [color=6ecff6][i]Delicious! It's a strong taste that beats the other humans for sure, and the holy part makes it a bit... spicy. It's like spicy food.[/i][/color] Narza decides as she tears into the cleric's soul. The other cleric was still alive, but his soul felt different, and not because it was a powerful and holy cleric soul. It didn't seem as [i]lively[/i]. This was because Kor had already taken the cleric's humanity, but Narza didn't know that. She envelops the second cleric and rips his soul free as well, savoring the taste this time as she slowly absorbs it. [color=6ecff6]"The divine feeling is so unbearably hot, but that's what makes it good!"[/color] Narza exclaims. Her reverie is interrupted by a burst of freed souls appearing a distance away, accompanied by a large explosion sound. The sudden intensity of so many freed souls in one place at once was like a floodlight being switched on and shined upon you while you were calmly enjoying a meal by yourself. Still carrying half of the cleric's soul, Narza rushes over to the scene of the carnage. If the clerics were like meatballs, small but tasty morsels, the unremarkable villager souls were like bread or pasta. Plain, but hearty and filling. And Narza was still hungry. [hider=Soul Count (Edited for chronological order)] 1.5 clerics, 95 tormented humans, 1 orc, one twisted little girl, 3 Elementals, and Derrik the dark mage [/hider]