Selie’re quickly made a U turn once the party leader was decided and headed towards the exit.[color=ed1c24]”I will meet you later at the stables too.[/color]”She stated as she headed towards the market area. This mission to a Mau had to be handled extremely well from the dancer’s side because of arcana’s very nature. The insane amount of magic in the air within the mines and caves of the Maus caused arcanas to receive a magic sickness. To simply put it, their bodies were already in dangerous state due that energy, but when exposed to a natural source of magic energy of that size, they literary got poisoned by the energy. It was a very dangerous condition that if not treated could fast become deadly. That was one of the reasons why arcanas rarely mined at the maus, despite being positioned between two of them. Once at the market, the blade dancer quickly began to search all the stalls for status remedies. She had money prepared as she expected something like this, but she hoped that the mission within the mines won’t prolong too much as for her to run out of medicine. “Hmm…”She finally made a sound once she found a place that sold proper remedies. [color=ed1c24]“This… “[/color]She said, pointing at a remedy potion that would do the job.[color=ed1c24]”20 of them…”[/color] She said to the vendor. It was quite the pricy purchase, but a needed one. Otherwise she may not survive the mission. After buying the potions and neatly placing them within her bag, she bought some basic herbs that were good for dealing with fever, nausea and the like. If by chance her potions that gave her 5 days within the mines ran out, the herbs would at least allow her to get away from the mau before the symptoms worsen to the point she can barely move. With the medicine prepared, on the way back the arcana passed to buy some basic food rations. Dried and salted meat, dried fruits and all along with some spices just in case she needed to cook. With the dried meat she would be able to make some soups and stews for the group if needed. With all the buying done, she found herself quite loaded. With 2 big handbags along her small backpack where she kept the potions, the herbs and the spices, and her waterskin. At least with the chocobos it was going to be easy to carry all the additional food stuff. [color=f7976a][b]“…Everyone was supposed to pack there own things then meet here but I've still got plenty of room for supplies!"[/b][/color] The arcana heard the moogle say once she finally reached the stables. With a smile she approached raising up the two heavy and loaded with food bags.[color=ed1c24]”Very good master Greg! I will gladly make use of that offer. “[/color]Placing the two loaded bags on the ground, Selie’re took of her backpack and opened it, revealing all the potions inside.[color=ed1c24]”Can you store about 15 of these? I feel like they may break if I get into a fight later and I have all of those dangling in my backpack.”[/color]