[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/EtM2egF.jpg[/IMG] Name/Titles: Eskellon Gender (if applicable): Male Patronage: Thunder (lightning and thunder), Magic, Wind, the old Parentage: A large, magical cloud Pantheon/Affiliation: Deity. Appearance: A wild looking man with blue skin all over his body, carrying a staff. Or a young man with albino hair, donning a cloak. Or, an old man donned in white robes, with a staff and sword. Centres of Worship/Places of Power: The Moon Temple, on the top of one of the tallest mountains in the world. Certain temples and shrines placed on mountain tops or hills. Every major city likely has a temple or two devoted to him. Servants, Prominent Followers and Worship Base: Hermits, Astronomers, Sailors, Magicians, Mountain folk, Athletes (Runners), the old Eskellon is a god that most people at least seek to give lip service to. Sailors want strong winds, although he isn't a god of stars, stars are associated with magic, and thus astronomers tend to pay homage to him as well. Hermits are sacred to Eskellon, thus they tend to pay him tribute as well. Magicians, of course, recognize him as the patron Lord of Magic. Mountain folk revere him much more than more urban citizens. Also, Eskellon is especially skilled and gifted in running, thus, athletes tend to revere him when it comes to running. The old and very young revere him for obvious reasons, and even non-magic-users tend to want the power to protect themselves, thus most people in society tend to give him at least lip service, while others are far more devoted, on average. Solarion, the Sorcerer: Petty magics capable of being performed by mortals are strongest in the hands of sorcerers, usually. Those lesser than Demi gods but still capable of performing acts of magical spell casting are almost always magicians of some sort, IF they are but mere mortals. Solarion is a great sorcerer, some say the greatest to have lived in centuries. He is said to be three hundred years old, and he is indeed so wise and knowledgeable of the world, some suggest that he needs to have been at least older than any mortal (Human, that is) man. Rumors suggest Solarion is a descendant, somehow, of Eskellon. Solarion is adviser to numerous kings and leaders throughout the years, though sometimes he lives alone. Gaius: The Hermit. He is a mountain man, possessing of the power of lightning and thunder. He periodically grows old and dies, and is reborn as a baby from a mysterious fruit growing from a tree. He sometimes possesses greater power than just lightning and thunder, and sometimes has different talents in his life time. As he reaches adulthood, memories of his past lives come flooding back to him. He is said to be the teacher of Solarion. Gaius can be found protecting and inhabiting mountain shrines, temples, and caves. Some say, thousands of years ago, Gaius was a great King who showed great hospitality, kindness and honor to the gods, Eskellon especially, by showering their servants with gifts. In return for such honor, Gaius was enchanted to live with immortality, but it was not thought wise to deny the under world of dead, even though others had avoided their mortality through such deeds, so Gaius dies once per life time (After a long life), and returns to the world. Mallus: Mallus is a young, perpetually youthful child. He appears younger than thirteen, and has the powers to bring good fortune and prosperity to entire villages, towns, cities and even nations. He travels the world bringing either good things or curses to those who mistreat him, not by pronouncing judgement or praise, but merely by his existence. Those who harm him or deliberately do something nasty, or sometimes even rude, can experience misfortune, depending on the action done. Those who do something good, likewise, experience an appropriate enchantment bringing pleasant results. Mallus appears as any ethnicity or nationality automatically, as he enters region to region. On his own, Mallus is extremely intelligent, some whisper more cunning and wise than any mortal. He is versed in the sciences, art and philosophy. Psychology: He loves beautiful women, protects children, and the old. Instead of protecting anyone between early and late stages of life, he gives power. He also rewards those who are hard working and diligent. He hates laziness, abusers of the old, children and powerless. Exceptional hospitality shown to guests may cause him to reduce punishments, forgive, or even give blessings. In fact, he will kill those who abuse children, or the old, or powerless. When he becomes exceptionally angry, he will resort to what modern sensibilities may decide to identify as "Over Kill" or "Disproportionate Retribution" such as when he has once wiped out entire civilizations for emasculating a young child once the boy grew up and died as a very old man. He's likely to dote on and shower young women and children, and the old with great wealth and prosperity, or good fortune of some kind. As far as those inbetween life stages are concerned, he will still give great rewards for proper behaviour, such as incredible knowledge and the ability to defend themselves. It isn't likely that he will forget the offenses of people who are continually cruel towards others, or who only turn away from their behavior because they are sorry they got caught. In fact, he has cursed those who constantly harm others with ugly appearances, sometimes horrible misfortune, impotence, or other calamities, and sometimes when he gets particularly nasty, he can torment evil doer's souls with a horrific after life, often by petitioning the gods of the dead. One day, he saw a young woman being beaten by her father for not working hard enough. Eskellon killed the father with a lightning bolt and made her an Enchantress. She was named Desdemona. Desdemona fell in love with Eskellon, and they were lovers for hundreds of years, but she was mortal, she grew old and died, and Eskellon is only allowed to visit her in her death on certain festival days, which double as Eskellon's holidays, which celebrate romance between Eskellon and Desdemona. Another day, Eskellon witnessed an old man beaten to death by bandits who burned down his house. Eskellon found the strongest of the bandits, and with a spell, tore out the soul of the young man and placed the old man's soul inside of him. The old man, Aesceles, then lived for another ninety years. The old man became a wizard, mightier than Eskellon's old lover, at the cost of living less than half as long. Aesceles became a good name among the people. Even today, an "Aesceles" is an old person who acts a good samaritan and helper to others. Aesceles cured diseases, brought good crops, and prevented the deaths of good kings and leaders. On yet another day, Eskellon witnessed a young boy's screams of pain as he was made a eunuch by servants of a king so his family could become rich. Eskellon made the child the wisest and most fortunate man in his Kingdom, and on the day of the child's death at a very old age of one hundred and ten, he took all the children from the Kingdom's parents, causing them to mourn for one hundred days. Eskellon then transformed the entire Kingdom into stone. The child's name was Myceneus. There is a festival day during the year, where the people implore Eskellon not to destroy the kingdom for the abuse of children. Still yet, another occurrence regarding Eskellon in the myths is when a young prince, Mithras, was ran through with a sword when he arrogantly traveled through a dangerous forest without gaurds. Eskellon noted that Mithras treated his injured body with healing herbs, and took care of himself very well. Eskellon visited Mithras in the form of an old hermit in the woods, berating Mithras for his vanity and foolishness, which led to his injury. Mithras attempted to slay Eskellon, but Eskellon easily disarmed him. Eskellon gave Mithras a blessing and a curse. The curse was that every evening, Mithras would transform into a peacock. The blessing was that during the day he would possess superior wisdom and knowledge. Mithras lived for centuries with both the curse and the blessing. He traveled the world as a kind man who taught others not to be vain and egotistical. When he died as an incredibly ancient man, Eskellon came to him and resurrected him. Removing the curse and doubling his life span. History: In the beginning of the world, there was a magical cloud. The magical cloud covered the whole world. The old gods disliked that the magical cloud was higher than they were, so they smote the magical cloud. After the magical cloud was destroyed, Eskellon fell from the sky, and was saved by Mysia and Aroesus. He was one of the few gods, or perhaps the only god who was raised from a form of infancy till his adult hood. As a child he was mischievious, rambunctious and basically a rascal with a heart of gold. He typically caused great calamity, followed by a stronger, but apologetic positive enchantment. As an adult he tended to fight against the enemies of the gods as a powerful sorcerer. As an old man, and he eventually became an old man for centuries, he taught incredibly powerful magic to mortals and lesser immortals, such as nymphs, etcetera, and occasionally even demi gods. Inbetween Eskellon's adventures as a young child, an adult and an old man, he was raised or advised by older deities, particularily Mysia and Aroesus as a child, and enjoyed, or at least feigned enjoyment of the company with his fellow deities as an old man. Eskellon once was mysteriously imprisoned by Aroesus and Mysia in a mysterious fit of madness. Eskellon went insane, and was imprisoned for long years in order to protect the world and mortals from his potent sorceries. Eventually, several Heroes and Demigods gathered artifacts and relics stolen from the gods and cured Eskellon, with the help of other deities, including Aroesus, and Mysia, through the magical items and powerful potions gathered through many adventures. Relationships: He is most likely to have a better time with the older children of Aroesus and Mysia. Although I will have to speak with the players if I'm let in to see if my idea works. Nanaeios Eskellon has mixed feelings towards Nanaeios. He admires her strength and passion, yet almost shares the purview of the Sky with her, yet not close enough to cause much of a rivalry. She specifically controls storms, while Eskellon focuses on thunder, lightning and wind, she controls wild waves of wind and water, giving them enough leeway to forsake competition and not necessarily needing to care about each other's similar Patronage. Eskellon feels sorry for her, seeing her as wild and just a little bit similar to him when he was imprisoned in the Crystal Tower as a Mad god. However, he also sees her as wild and uncontrollable, far more so than even he is when he has one of his legendary furious fits of fury and anger towards evil doers. Mikazliqui, Eskellon heavily dislikes, but does not hate Mikazliqui. He pities him for his childhood and the curse cast upon him, yet Mikazliqui is "creepy" to him. He considers him down right evil, with his past tendencies to demand and accept blood sacrifices, and his slaughter of countless innocents and defenseless. Mikazliqui is one of the rare situations in which Eskellon shows pragmatic restraint and even idealistic forgiveness. He sees Mikazliqui as an enemy, but he wants Mikazliqui to see his mistake in dominating others and causing suffering. Eskellon is unsure as to whether Mikazliqui is redeemable as far as good and evil is concerned, but knowing the suffering he had endured in his very early life, he is unsure as to whether he should just unleash his full wrath on him. As such he sees Mikazliqui as an ugly bastard who should be pitied and perhaps, if possible, brought over to the other side, to the Light. Morios Eskellon views Morios like hemoirroids. Ugly, disgusting and putrid. He vies Morios as a nuisance, a plague and a pestilence, and hates what Morios has done to the world, including broken families, broken hearts and people who had fallen to abusive loved ones. Eskellon would like to beat some sense into Morios, but he recognizes he isn't nearly as evil as Mikazliqui, necessarily at least. Thus, even though he sees Morios as a filthy criminal, he doesn't hold him to the same level of villainy as say, a Nazi in real world terms. It's Morios'es relationship wtih Eskellon's adopted mother that keeps him from opposing him openly. Metanoia Eskellon sees Metanoia as a kindred spirit. Inferior in his arcane arts, yet superior in more mundane ways, such as knowledge of the sciences, art, etcetera, they are both scholarly, and Eskellon sees him as a colleague. He believes him to be egotistical, but respects him all the same, and sees him as an equal. He hopes to become true friends with him one day, if he isn't already. Dream Eskellon sees Dream to be utterly fascinating, and reminds Dream of his own magical arts. He views Dream as a very powerful god/ddess, and an equal in terms of pure dangerous force. Eskellon loves their treatment of Aroesus after his death, but thus far he has been unable to found out much about them. He wishes to be on good terms with them, perhaps even so far as to form an alliance. Dareos Dareos is another deity that Eskellon views as "Necessary Hemorrhoids". What would life be without material prosperity and trade for mortals? Not very good. He views Dareos as a "Lying bastard". Also, being the god of drugs and corruption makes Eskellon desire to turn Dareos into a worm, instead of a snake. Also, when Aroesus was slain, and Dareos was so elated, Eskellon seriously considered giving Dareos a full body make over. (Transforming him into stone). Nihris Eskellon feels only pain and sympathy for Nihris. He has fallen for Nihris in a way, but he is only loyal to Desdemona. He wishes to be a strong friend of Nihris, and wishes to comfort her. He has made a magical concoction to bring her relief to her broken heart. Lefredias He doesn't harbor any particular dislike towards Lefredias but recognizes him as an enemy and a threat. He is repulsed at the manner of his birth, but beyond that, doesn't have much to say about him. Dihira He would admire Dihira as much as Metanoia, but he doesn't know what to think about her, or if he should trust her. He sees her as a "possibly friendly" rival, but he respects her and to some extent likes her, but he is paranoid of her. Too paranoid of her to hold much more than a passing admiration of her. With that said, he highly respects her, as mentioned, even though he feels that with her patronage over lost arts and secrets, that she infringes far too much on his patronage over magic. He enjoys speaking with her in a professional manner, however, about certain subjects that the two have in common. If nothing else Eskellon enjoys giving Dihira professional courtesy. Lathunis He loves Lathunis. Eskellon holds nothing but praise and respect for Lathunis. An old man loves to have a wife into their old age, and Lathunis tends to provide that for mortals in their world. He generally acts more benevolent than many other deities, and thus, he has earned much honor from Eskellon. Phoebus Eskellon isn't sure anyone loves Phoebus. He doesn't. He isn't afraid of her, but he doesn't hate her either. He dislikes her but. . . eh. . . he doesn't have much to say about her. He would rather just ignore her. Unless, of course, he ever finds out if she presents a threat. Kyraeos Kyraeos is a disappointment to Eskellon. He respects, even likes and admires Kyraeos, but his defilement of various beautiful people over the years, frustrates Eskellon, as he views Kyraeos as a highly respectful colleague who has an annoying habit to disappoint him with his great lust, victimizing, on occasion, even some of Eskellon's worshipers, over the centuries. With all that said, Kyraeos'es embodiment and power over the mystic greatness of the Moon fascinates him, and while he will always remain honorable towards Kyraeos, he may eventually finally have enough of his ill treatment of mortals and call him out on it. Not that he hasn't already done so, but he may make his annoyance more official in the future. Edit Quote