[quote=@Wei Phoenix] Question of the day: If your character had their own video game then what kind would it be? [/quote] H-Eroge. :hehe [quote=@Lekkuen] You can talk about whatever you want, as long as you aren't telling people to leave this one. [/quote] So I can mention my own [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82270-r-a-t-s-rapid-assault-tactical-squad-superhero-turn-based-adventures]turn-based Superhero combat RPG[/url], all the action and none of the drama, featuring the ability to evolve and adapt your very own hero with a highly flexible and creative super-power generation system? [center][color=gray][sub][/sub][/color][/center] [quote=@Weird Tales] I thought it was amazing. DC now has their internet show and it's animated and being helmed by Bruce Timm. Freakin win [/quote] The day he created Harley Quinn Bruce Timm earned an all-access pass to do whatever the hell he wants in my book. :D [center][hider=Harlene and Pammie shower scene][img]http://www.littlestuffedbull.com/images/comics/harleytowel1.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.littlestuffedbull.com/images/comics/harleytowel2.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]