Clarissa cast a sidelong glance over to Heather as she seated herself beside her. Closer than Heather wasn't hard to figure out, but Clarissa and Alex never actually talked. He was cute, but most of the time they were playing on the same team which made the girls she liked slim pickings. Though, she wouldn't lie, she did ever so often veer to men, but they were less interesting. "Fratenize with the enemy? Hmmm..." Clarissa joked, looking over his dance partner. "His partner is kinda cute though." She said, and she disappeared, and when she reappeared she grabbed the nearest person's hand and drug them with her over to Alex and his girl. "My, My such a sharp looking couple." She smirked and Alex looked over to her as she eyed up Jordyn. "Darling, I love your hair. Is it a natural shade because it looks absolutely delicious on you?" Alex chuckled a bit at Clarissa antics. "You must be the famous Clary?" He asked. She gave a look. "What do you want?" "That yummy piece of demon-fire drake ass dancing with your sister. You two know him I presume? I need to know now so I don't cross any lines with her." She asked, barely paying mind to the person She was dancing with. Alex's eyes flashed black. "Take him and keep him for all I care." He hissed. "Now go, trying to have a good time with Miss Jordyn here." He said turning his attention back to the red head and Clarissa rolled her eyes before disappearing. She reappeared by Heather again. "Oh, darling, we have to know now. Alex [I]hates[/I] him, and he's the.calm one. Billie so has to tell us. I'm off to the courtyards, join the fun when you're ready." With that Clarissa winked and was gone again. -- Billie felt at home in Adrian's presence and she gave a smile. "Its been an age since I've seen you." Adrian said, and Billie looked down a bit. "Three ages actually, but whose counting?" She asked, her pendant taking on a darker glow than normal. Adrian looked over her face and moved a hand to her cheek briefly. "You chose the path, I followed it." He told her and she sighed. "I wasn't going to leave Alex. The fact you two made me choose was hard enough, but my brother over you... I went with Tim in, and you have to admit, Alex has you beat there." Billie pointed out. "I don't get your deal with each other, but I'm going to tell you, a lot has changed since I saw you last. And you have a lot to make up for." Adrian smirked. "Of course, love. You've always been my number one." Billie gave a playful smirk. "Lie to me again, and I'll sic Storm on you." The two chuckled which caused a few dancing couples around them to look. Billie Sanders? Happy? It was a near foreign concept it seemed. Soon Billie leaned closer into him as they danced and when the music stopped He draped an arm over her and she led him towards Alex and Jordyn, at least she was sure that was her name. "Love? What are we doing?" "Quit calling me love, Adrian, and we're going to invite them out to the courtyard with us. So you two are going to sit down.civilly," she began her eyes blackening. "Or so help me I'll exorcise you both." Adrian smirked. "Alright, B. I'll be civil." Billie nodded. "Good." -- Alex waited the moment Jordyn took and smiled as they began dancing. "Well thank you for accepting then." He said, and when she spoke he laughed and gave her a wicked grin. "That was priceless. I was waiting for the day someone got her. That bitch is crazy." He.said, and then he looked away. "Back before vampires and demons hated each other Billie had to scare her away from Logan. God, you'd think a shifter wouldn't be afraid of another animal as much as she was afraid of Blaze." He chuckled. Then her next question made him sigh. "Not normally, no. Normally I'm a stick in the mud and waiting for the courtyard.bonfires to start, which they should be soon. Or, and I'll be honest, I find other ways to occupy my time." He said. "This year I think it's about time for a change. Some shit different day kind of thing, you know?" And enter Clarissa, and after their brief.conversation Alex turned his full attention back to Jordyn. "Sorry about that. Clarissa is a good friend of Billie's." He explained. "Anyway, do you want to come out to the courtyard after this? It's a lot quieter than in here?" He asked and when the song ended, he noticed Billie and Adrian approaching. He eyed Billie when they got there, but Billie smiled. "Hello, hello." She said, "I'm Billie, Alex's sister, and this is my friend Adrian. Want to join us? We're heading to the.courtyard." Alex gave a look which made Billie's eyes blacken. "For Lucifer's sake, Alexander. Both of you need to get over whatever the hell it was that happened between you. I'm asking for one night." Her pendant was growing darker still. "One fucking night, is that really too much to ask?" Alex held up a hand. "Go on, if I don't Come down now, I'll be by later." He said, "Besides, I do have the.lovely Miss Jordyn to worry about too." He said, and Adrian chuckled. "Yeah, can't [I]burn[/I] too much." He said, and Billie snapped her fingers and watched as Adrian began gasping for air. "Billie, enough." Alex said. Billie released her.mental hold and Adrian took in a deep breath. "I was.joking." Adrian coughed. "You two have a long history of taking.jokes personally. Behave or I will [I]make[/I] you behave. You savvy?" She asked as her normal, and her pendant a.slightly less dark state. "Hope to see you both out there." Alex watched as Billie and Adrian "I'm sorry, normally she's not like that. Adrian and I don't get along, but when he's around her... she's different. If you don't want to head.out there, we don't have to." He explained before Justin clapped his shoulder. Alex.focused a bit and Justin's soon red hand.moved away quickly. "Damn it Alex." He hissed. He then looked. "Oh, my bad bro, come out to the courtyard though. They've got a huge bonfire going. Even got make.smores you weird ads bastard." Alex.sighed a.bit, and Blushed. Hey, He was in human form, he did like smores. A bit of a vice actually. But it embarrassed him because He was known around as a demon badass, but letting any bit of human out was a little embarrassing to him.