[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VO6uQSy.png[/img][/center] [color=999999][b]Name:[/b][/color] Jackson 'Jack' Lake [color=999999][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Sureshot [color=999999][b]Age:[/b][/color] 31 [color=999999][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [indent][b][color=bbbbbb][i]Marksmanship:[/i][/color][/b] Jack is highly skilled with many forms of firearms, although generally prefers to make use of his custom-built twin automatic pistols when taking on opponents.[hider=Marksmanship Skills][list][*][i]Double Whammy[/i] - Using both pistols at once, Sureshot shoots a target with a quick one-two combination. [*][i]Rapid Fire Volley[/i] - While emptying his clips may not always be the best way to get a good, clean shot off at a target the rain of bullets certainly makes them keep their heads down, providing cover for Sureshot's allies. [*][i]Disarm[/i] - Using his skilled precision to best effect Sureshot can shoot an enemy's weapons from their hand, hit a piece of equipment in such a way as to render it inoperable or even switch on the TV without having to reach for the remote. [*][i]Headshot[/i] - Sometimes an enemy is so irredeemable that there's only one way to ensure innocents come to no harm, and when those times come Sureshot knows that making the shot may not be the easy choice but it is the best choice.[/list][/hider] [b][color=bbbbbb][i]Body Armour:[/i][/color][/b] Sureshot's high-tech body suit incorporates low-light goggles and an air-filtering mask which ensure he can continue operating in a variety of battlefield conditions. Granting good protection from all manner of small arms, energy bursts and puncture weapons, the armour struggles when dealing with concussive and thermal blast waves and offers very little protection against radiation. With the latest in nanotechnology constantly repairing and adapting itself the armour makes sure it retains its protection no matter what stresses Jack puts it through.[/indent] [color=999999][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Despite his skills Jack is still only human, and reliant on ammunition. While he tends to carry a plentiful supply with him, sometimes Sureshot can find himself in need of a fresh clip, with no other way to help his allies. Without his body armour Sureshot is just as vulnerable as any other human would be to damage, something he's very aware of when going into combat. [color=999999][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][hider=Stat Card][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/m5BxZj7.png[/img][/center][/hider] [color=999999][b]Brief Bio:[/b][/color][hider=Biography]Formerly an Army Ranger Jack was dishonourably discharged for striking a superior officer when his commander ordered his unit to open fire on civilians during an engagement. With his entire unit refusing to corroborate his version of events Jack was left out to dry by the country he once served with distinction. Falling on hard times Jack found himself taking unsavoury mercenary jobs just to make ends meet, but when once again facing the moral dilemma of being order to kill innocents he turned on his employers and protected the targets instead. Now on the run from the organised crime syndicate who once employed him, Jack has turned his abilities to the side of good. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire [i][b]Sureshot[/b][/i].[/hider] [color=999999][b]Notes:[/b][/color][hider=Notes]Jack's wife and son are currently in hiding at a safe location known only to the family and their closest, most trusted allies.[/hider]