Emma blinked and furrowed her brows, following after the guys, her jaw slightly unhinged. "You know our names? I don't know you. I literally picked up this letter to come here and I don't know you. How...?" Her sentence trailed off as she realised that no one really cared, everyone was just moving. "Fine, but uhm...this might have to be explained later." Great confident way of speaking, Emma. Not. She moved with them, her eyes wandering to the other guys, all seeming to be around her age or in their 20's. She didn't know that there was only males here. If she did, she would of classified it as a dick party and thrown the letter out. Oh well, she was here now, so it was too late. Her only hope was to not get kidnapped. Or was that happening right now? Oh god. She stopped in her tracks, watching all of them. Was this [i]ok?[/i]