[img]http://z6.invisionfree.com/Seraphim_Immortals/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=4031754[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Sana Rawn Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 31 Height: 5' 7" Weight: 125 lbs Alignment: Chaotic Good Significant Other: Hugh Van Halder Hair color, texture, length, style: Dirty ash blonde with layers from ears to shoulders. Her hair is usually worn with shorter layers crimped and pulled back with a few loose strands around her face, the longer layers are curled under and left loose falling to her shoulders. Eye look, shape & color: Milk Chocolate with amber specks, round eyes with a slight slant at the outer corners. Skin Tone: Tanned with olive undertones. Body Type: Toned body over all with very defined arm muscles. Voice/Accent: Her voice has a tad deeper intonation than most women and is slightly raspy. Though not skilled in the magical arts of her people Sana has a stunningly beautiful voice when she sings but it is something that she rarely ever does. Clothing: She wears a very simple halter top made of tanned leather that tied around the back of her neck and is trimmed in a deep brown rawhide. She wears a matching shorts that is slit on each side of her thighs as to not to hinder her movements. Her boots are a soft suede material that come up to just below her knees and lace up the entire way, soft soles, no heels. She wears a sheer mantle that flows to the ground and is trimmed in the same material as her halter top, usually pulled over her arms to hide their definition. [hider=Sana As Gypsy] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/318/1/2/spellbound_gypsy_by_elle_arden-d86eepc.jpg[/img] [/hider] Armor: Snake Band Arm Cuff with Enchanted Garnet (Barkskin) [hider=Arm Cuff] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5419dc98e4b0de0029a48fbd/5419ebd6e4b08773525461a2/54358387e4b0e09faedc46ba/1427925402292/Snake+Cuff.jpg?format=2500w[/img] [/hider] Weapons: She carried one small dagger that is used for cutting up meat before cooking for the most part though is works as a throwing dagger if need be. Nothing special about it, the blade is 6 inches of plain steel while the hilt is carved oak. Her other and main weapon is a Recurve Bow that was hand carved for her, she uses cedar arrows that resist warping. Silver Dagger found in the chest of a Liches Layer. [hider=Bow] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/8cb9/th/pre/f/2011/326/8/a/bow_of_orik_by_corellastudios-d4gz7dm.png[/img] [/hider] Spells: None Natural Abilities: Agility, acrobatics, gymnastics, ambidextrous Skilled: Excellent marksman with a bow and skilled dagger thrower. Knows some close combat fighting, using her bow in a staff like manner. When weaponless Sana will use her knowledge of acrobatics and gymnastics, combined with her agility, to attack and defend herself. Personality: Quiet and untrusting, hard to get close to. She prefers to be left alone and detests asking for help. A very stubborn woman who prefers to do things alone than in a group. She can be quite volatile if provoked and tends to be a bit moody. History: She comes from a wandering band of gypsy that she left long ago for she refused to become what they wanted her to be. Another dancer and entertainer for the group. She was a tom boy growing up who preferred to spend time with a bow and arrow than a person. Though she never sought the way of her people she is very defensive of them and knows their ways. Skilled in song, dance, showmanship. Nothing traumatic happened during her childhood or growing up but being the typical teenager, hated what her parents wanted for her and in the end left those she knew for a world she wanted to know. After she reached maturity she decided to leave the home and family she knew and set out on her own. Over the years she has worked in various towns trading furs from animals she has killed on her journeys and worked mercenary from time to time as wars broke out, utilizing her skills as a marksman. Currently she wanders the land hunting and selling fur when she reaches a new town. (A more in-depth history can be provided if needed.)