[quote=@Heroic] Unlikely, but a shapeshifter certainly is possible. Ridge: It's no trouble at all. But they still exist. And I prefer to remain cautious nonetheless. *Looks back at the monitor* And it's gone. [/quote] -Maddie- Oh man! What if the animal shapeshifted into invisibleness so we can't see him? -Soren- *sighs and chuckles* Well, why don't you check it out? Then we can know for sure. -Maddie- Now [i]that[/i] is a great idea! ?: And please, do what you can to bring our leader back. Nothing that could have happened recently could have caused this. He has been happy and moral and loving to all of us, day after day, but then this happened. No one, no matter how influenced, would do this if they had the care he had for us. -Soren- It all seems so familiar...