[hider=James]Name: James Maury Age: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: A tall smiling man with bushy brown hair and a short beard, both of which are just starting to show a little dignified grey. He wears a long white coat, crisp white pants, and a tall white hat. Each one of these has been covered in various children drawings in crayon, of multiple colors. These drawings range from crude people, to animals, to cars and such. Under the coat is a read dress shirt with a bow tie. His shes are black and meticulously shined. Stand name: 「 Rainbow Connection 」 Stand ability: Rainbow Connection, if it touches living things, can connect them with an indestructible rainbow tether. This tether does not bind, and will stretch easily to keep the two connected so long as they are within the stands range. While connected via the tether each will perceive the world as filtered and distorted through the lens of the others imagination. For example: if one of them would think that someone was dangerous the other person might perceive them as some horrible monster. Each persons biases and beliefs would be made "real" in the others perceived reality. Stand appearance: Rainbow connection is a short, bipedal, frog like stand painted in a garish rainbow pattern. The frogs cheeks are puffed out and round. On each limb it only has three fingers of toes, and a similar ball to its cheeks rests on the end of each one. Weapon: None. Personality: A flighty, impulsive man who sees it as his duty to educate and pass on knowledge to the next generation. A man of seemingly infinite good humor who strives to see the good in all others even to his detriment. A curious man, who would endanger himself just for the sake of discovering something interesting. A compassionate man, who would stop to help anyone in need. James belies that any problem could be solved by having a sit down with your opposite and having a deep, in depth discussion about the problem. He is stubborn in this belief, and can come off as preachy about it and other things that ruffle his feathers. What drives him is the wish to Understand. Understand people, understand the world, and understand the cause and meaning behind events. This understanding is the most important thing, in his mind, the should be passed on. Bio: James is a popular and famous children show host, currently on a world tour for his show. They were supposed to stop in Tokyo but were delayed while passing through Izayoi and James fell in love with the city's culture and vast array of solar panels. He insisted, against executive decision, that they stop and shoot a short segment here. Stats: Destructive power: E Speed: B Range: C Durability: C Precision: B What is courage?: To become one with fear itself[/hider]