[quote=@Dynamics] [quote=@whizzball1] Heheh, I once got a lot of flak for being "meh" about animals. I'm not into the whole experiments-on-animals thing when it causes them pain for a prolonged time, but otherwise, don't ask me for an opinion on it, because I don't really care. [/quotes] As long as it's not just animal torture, I'm good. [@DarkwolfX37] I just needed to get the basic "who-he-is" in there. [quote=@Zeal] Yeah. It's pretty confusing. Well the video games are not living up to the lore of Osiris then. [/quote] Games always do mythology wrong. [/quote] Yeah. Also I have a coke that says "Share a Coke with a Legend". I know I can't really send soda cans so I gave to another Legend. Spirit Blitz.