"Hey! No fair!" the boy called after his companion as the cat shot across the sand. The muscular animal was prone to playing games with his familiar, liked to test his limits for all it was worth. Clutched, gently, in the feline's jaws was one wooden crutch, long and ridiculous, it made him resemble a playful dog with a stick nonetheless. Just as Erlyn would come close enough, the animal would be nothing but a blur across the sand and he'd have to quickly limp his way after him. Games like these usually ended in the boy being exhausted and the cat being delighted, the animal loved to make him exalt much more energy than he ever meant to. Leaping carefully across the sand, the animal growled with enthusiasm and bolted forward just as Erlyn made a grab for his other crutch. He watched in defeat, the cat bounding across the sand and purring loudly, he would have barely been able to see him at all if he wasn't so bulky. His coat was a constantly moving patch of sand and his eyes were nothing but golden coins that had been lost in the depths. "Wait up, you big oaf of a beast! I'll skin you for your coat and sell it to the locals!" the threat was lame, the animal didn't seem to believe him at all when it rolled over on it's back and started to kick the crutch, battering it with his hind paws. Getting to the cat was winding, even for the farm boy, collapsing dramatically beside the beast. He reached over and grabbed the crutch from him, tossing it in the sand beside the other one. He lied there beside the purring animal in the blazing heat, his arm winding around it's shoulders and his nose pressing to it's neck. The cat squirmed in the sand, rubbing his back into the heat and sprawling there. "You're a huge jerk." The cat made a soft [i]chrring[/i] noise and rolled to his paws, shaking out his coat and spraying sand in every direction. Making a face, Erlyn grabbed ahold of his back and pulled himself up on his good leg, taking the crutches and getting a good look around. "Now where in the world have you dropped us, huh? Sand, sand, and wait! A huge terrifying cat! More sand." running his hand along Koeniv's head, he began to make his way forward. The place was normal for the desert, unexciting and full of sand. Whistling under his breath, he took another look around and shook his head. "I don't see why you dragged me out here, Ko. I don't see a soul. Or anything worth looking into. Do you smell anything? Something buried beneath pounds of sand, perhaps?" Koeniv almost seemed to sigh, the animal pressing against his good leg and walking forward. He always knew exactly where to go but sometimes he brought him places just to watch him struggle for awhile before deciding to go home. He'd found a lot of things because of Koeniv, underground caverns, abandoned farm land, a pool of water or two. Koeniv knew exactly what he was looking before but sometimes the cat just liked to mess with him to keep things interesting. "Ko, what am I looking for? Should I dig? I suck at digging with my hands, everything just fills back in and sometimes I hit water and that's really not what I'm looking for today, Ko."