(Stupid me restarted my comp by mistake, loosing the first. But here's the post!) Aranhil beamed at her, delighted that she was trying so hard. "Thank you, sweety. That means a lot to me." He kissed her cheek gently. "Thank you for working so hard." He smiled at her and took her hands in his. "You seem to always want to do whatever you can to make people see how good you are. I am certain that my mother will not be able to hold onto a negative view for very long. How could she? You are here, and you are perfect. I love you, darling Sylvia." He kissed both her cheeks, then sat back. "You know, sweet....you have grown up to be quite reserved, have you not? Do you think it would be wise to send my little sister to your homeland to learn to be a lady? Or would she be too much for them, and wreck havoc on the country? I would not want them to think that I am declaring war so soon after our peace." He explained with a sigh. He knew very well that his little sister was not someone to casually send on a visit. He secretly suspected that a previous carnation of her was the very reason that the dragons had been at war with the elves. And were still at war with the dwarfs. And Merfolk. And....alright, dragons had lots of wars. He laughed softly. "She's caused a lot of trouble over the years." Grinning at his wife he curiously asked, "Darling? What do you elves believe about death? What happens when we die?" He was curious. Dragons believed that you were sent to start another life. You could live forever, each time in a different body. Endless possibilities. It was just how they saw things.