{Boice} : Boice chuckled and smiled after Lino said he didn't mind her hanging out with them. She then looked at Celina, and nodded. "No no, I be good, your father company be okay. Zoos are cool, I like zoos. They have animals, and animals are nicer than humans." Boice nodded. "Sooo... what do Americans do for fun, other then steal bread on any empty stomach?" she smiled more, raising her hands in the air and resting them behind her head. {William} : "Welcome Sam!" William said as he came to a stop before you, standing with Garsin. "There's a lot to explain, but hopefully you should just know these things as time passes. All of our memories will combine slowly, allowing us to understand better... but sadly, only since before the tower was activated, so we cannot use it as a form of communication." William said. As scary as the thought of minds combining may have been to you since before this weird incident... it somehow just makes sense, and you know it's the best way for things to go. "For now, we're on our way to a tower. Our enemy, XANA, has activated one, and we have to stop it. I also believe we might run into those others that wish to stop us... but, XANA is a bigger threat, so we may need to work together to defeat him. I've exhausted my ability to activate towers, so we will have to rely on them to do that for us. And afterwards, we can just leave. There won't be any need for us to stay after that." Wiliam tried explaining as much as was needed at the current moment. "Anyway, let's head out! We've got a way's to go until we reach the tower. I'm not very good at aiming, so I fear I've set us off on the opposite side of the sector, not even counting the Forest Sector we just came through." he said, already walking in the direction he could feel the pulses coming from. He waved the two of you on to follow after, as he started into a sprint. {Maya} : "Wow is right. Just take it from me, you do [i]not[/i] want to spend your life in here." Aeilta said as she walked off, trying to feel where the tower was coming from. "This way." she said after finding where it was coming from. She sprinted off in the direction she felt the tower pulsing from, not even bothering to turn back to see if the others were following. "Careful guys, I see several monsters up ahead, and three more off in the distance that seem to be joining them shortly after you get there. I think they're mostly those Little Mini-Crabs... something in the middle... and some new monster, I can't tell what it is though. Oh, and a few of those Big Cube-Things. Two." Josive announced from up above. "Yes sir mr. bossy pants." Aeilta saluted into the air, with an added roll of her eyes. After a short sprint, the three of you made it to a point where you could see the tower. It was as clear as day, with no monsters around. Off to the right of the tower, you could see the bunch of Little Mini-Crabs, all circulating around what appears to me a miniature tower. Next to them is also a giant black ball, just sitting there. The two Big Cube-Things standing just before the Little Mini-Crabs, so you'd have to get through them first. "So then... what's are game plan?" Aeilta asked, looking between Bella and Flippy.