Freddy looked over at Cass, then laughed. He grabbed the arcane rogue, and pulled him close, before speaking directly in his face. [b]"Oooh, naughty fucking language. Better guard our chaste, virginal ears. And hey, I'm glad if you don't recognize me. That's part of why I left Fereldan for a time. Good to see you have testicles, then, fuckwit. Keep that attitude, it'll keep you alive,"[/b] Freddy said with a grin, [b]"Though, not wise to threaten bodily harm against me. No fucking problems now, but keep in mind that threatening your allies is literally fucking stupid. And by the way, tattoos aside, I am clearly not dalish."[/b] With that, Freddy let him go and turned back to Gerard, [b]"Fucking played chess? Shit, you have to be pulling my leg. But yeah, might still be wise to ask our fearless leader. Some time getting herbs can save lives, after all."[/b]