[color=FF4500][b][h2] ATTENTION ALL FEMALES! You have been selected as Special Tutors to a group of Outsiders (Demons). You will be teaching these new students how to survive on their own during Academy Breaks. You will have the same setup as the Demons. However, the males are not allowed in the female suite and females are not allowed to be in the male unit. The main academy is now securely locked. There will be an instruction hall that you will be teaching your classes in. I will be uploading a full floor map. Have fun!Any questions please ask![/h2][/b][/color] [color=20B2AA][b][h2]ATTENTION ALL DEMONS! Your lessons will begin with basic life classes meaning how to cook, do laundry, clean, use laptops and any other task that the females deemed needed. [/h2][/b][/color]