[url=http://jurassicpark.wikia.com/wiki/Carnotaurus]Carnotaurus[/url] (chameleonic skin, good for stealth hunting; dislikes rapidly changing light conditions, such as having a torch flashed over it, as this disrupts its chameleonic ability), [url=http://jurassicpark.wikia.com/wiki/Dilophosaurus]Dilophosaurus[/url] (paralysing neurotoxin in the saliva, can blind people with a good shot) and [url=http://jurassicpark.wikia.com/wiki/Othnielia]Othnielia[/url] (1.5-2m dinosaur, can climb trees.) I'd be looking at the Carnothnieliasaurus (or 'Nellie' for short) being a small, omnivorous biped skittish in nature and favouring hiding on the tree canopy and ambushing solitary or injured prey when hungry, using its spit to incapacitate them before moving in for the kill, but subsisting on vegetation for the most part.