Okay, so, those of you involved in the Tremblay plot... Tremblay's community has been timeskipped past the war with Richard. Feel free to do a flashback if you want to illustrate a scene from this time. For the Haywood/Outpost scenes, those were just about Abram gathering his forces, those groups have now been moved from there and are with the remains of Tremblay's community and the timeskip. I'll be doing a post with the Magnus group soon detailing their escape. This group will then run into the main group and then they'll all be together. As for the straggler groups, I'm not sure if you want to make it so you eventually form with the 'main group' or not, but that's just the basic state of things right now. [hider=Those in the main group right now, to avoid confusion] A few of the characters may be dead here, I haven't quite settled on which NPCs will live, but this is the basic idea. - Abram - Leah - Turisa - Samantha - Liam - Jace - Tina - Elyse - Caleb - Matt - Aiden - Imogen - Floyd - Jess - Benjamin - Hank - Heather - Tyler - Katie - Scarlett - KK - Becca - Alison - Jon - Jackson [/hider]