[@CAS1006] Pressing a button on the arm of her battle harness Henrietta extended a long thin probe which tapped Cassius gently on the shoulder several feet away. [color=c99900]"Umm, aren't we supposed to be..?"[/color] She asked, her voice trailing off as she gestured down the stone stairway into the darkness below. While the fade-touched mage was distracted the probe quickly darted down and snatched a sweety from the container in Cassius's hand before retreating back towards the dwarf faster than anyone could stop it. Popping the treat into her mouth the dwarf slowly chewed her prize as she took her first tentative step down the stairs, holding her lightning stave high over her head as she peered into the deep shadows. She'd never admit it to anyone, but as a surface dwarf 'Etta hated being cooped up underground, and as the cold wind blew up from the tunnel mouth she felt a shiver running down her spine. [color=c99900]"So... who wants to go first?"[/color] She asked, her voice filled with forced joy as her eyes darted between the others, desperate for one of them to volunteer.