Along the valley floor between two mountains laid a beautiful, sunny, and breezy meadow that had found and caught the eye of two travelers. Two travelers that had tried and tried again to get away from home. It was the aching heart along with the feeling of deep pitted regret that they even stepped so much as an inch out of touch with those that had been so close to them. Placing anxiety in their chest to head home at once. This time, like all the other times before, they had gotten 5 miles from the last time that they tried. Closer and closer they got to that place in their minds that would make it seem like this was a good idea. To have it so they never looked over their shoulders at what they were going to leave behind to see what was really out there in the world. Living a sheltered life had made the young girl curious. It excited her while scaring her that something might happen to her or her companion with no one to know if she would be alright. This was her moment to prove that she could go out there and do what she had been wanting to do this whole time. Even if it took her all day, she was determined not to go home. That is how she had stopped in the meadow. All those thoughts came up all at once and choked her to the point where she forcefully caused a very abrupt landing from her companion. It had only meant to be a few minutes so that she could breath, to think straight and move on to the next mile. To at least make it further than they had any other day before today. A few minutes turned into an hour, an hour turned into two. The young girl's mind kept playing tricks with her in wanting to go home that she did everything she could think of to keep herself busy. With so much going on in her mind, she did the only thing that she could think of that would keep her from having a severe panic attack. Having wound up making flower crowns while her companion curled up behind her. Now, on the third hour, both were passed out with the young girls head resting on the belly of the giant beast that was her life companion.